

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:37次 大小:209462Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    江西省五市九校协作体 2024 届第一次联考 英 语 试 卷 参考答案: 第一部分:听力 1—5 ACBAB 6—10 CBCAA 11—15 CBACB 16—20 BAACC 第二部分:阅读理解 第一节: 21-23ADC 24-27BBCA 28-31ACAB 32-35CDBA 第二节: 36-40FAEGC 第三部分:语言应用 第一节: 41-45AABAB 46-50CDBAB 51-55CABBB 第二节: 56. Evolving 57. an 58. written 59. physician 60.where 61. widely 62.but 63.despite 64.mysterious 65.has grown 第四部分:写作 第一节 【参考范文】 Dear judges and students, When it comes to whether high school students should be offered a career planning course, I firmly believe it’s necessary. Career planning helps students understand their interests and strengths better, which can guide them towards a fulfilling future. It also enables them to make informed decisions on their academic path and potential career options. Therefore, I strongly suggest incorporating it into compulsory courses. This could be done through workshops, seminars, and guest speakers, offering students valuable information and guidance throughout their academic journey. All in all, I’m confident that the course will benefit students in their future endeavors. 第二节 【参考范文】 My parents and I hurried to the hospital. My dad was taken to the operating room after all kinds of tests, leaving Mom and I waiting anxiously outside. Three hours’ waiting seemed like a life time during which my mother kept comforting me by saying, “Your dad said everything will be just fine!" When the door was pushed open and the doctor told us the good news, my mom burst into tears. Three weeks after that, my dad could leave the hospital, but he still needed extra attention at home, which I was responsible for, since my mom had to work outside every day. I had to take on so many responsibilities at home. Household chores and the care for my dad took up most of my day, leaving little time for my studies. Though I was tired out every day after attending to my dad, I still tried to squeeze out some precious time to make up for some missing lessons till late night. Every day my dad told me the same thing, “Dear, everything will be just fine!" After six months, my dad made a full recovery and I graduated with the best grades in four years. Time has stolen so much of our family's happiness, but it's still the most important.“Dear, everything will be just fine!” 录音原文: Text 1 装饰房间 M: Let’s paint this wall yellow and move the bed to the window. W: OK. M: Susie said our curtains were too dark. Why not replace them with bright ones W: Well, I don’t have to factor in all people’s suggestions. Text 2 暑期活动 W: You’re glued to the TV all day. How about flying a kite with me M: It is burning outside. Summer holiday is really boring. W: How could that be I used to put up a tent in the field with my sister during summer holidays. Text 3 求助 W: Help me, sir! There is a strange man following me! M: Come in, ma’am. Shall I call the police for you W: Thank you! I’m absolutely terrified! M: Take a deep breath and h ... ...

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