
Unit 5 Famous People 梳理 讲解 典例 拓展 习题 (含答案)

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:97次 大小:109477Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版新起点 六年级英语上册 Unit 5 Famous People 知识点梳理 inventor 发明家 poem 诗;诗歌 artist 画家;艺术家 paint 用颜料画 scientist 科学家 invention 发明 poet 诗人 invent 发明 writer 作家 study 学习;研究 American 美国人;美国的 story 故事 French 法国人;法国的 university 大学 Danish 丹麦人;丹麦的;丹麦语 deaf 聋的 poem 诗;诗歌 blind 瞎的 paint 用颜料画 fall 落下 invention 发明 station 车站 invent 发明 transportation 交通工具 study 学习;研究 dictionary 字典 story 故事 picture 图片 university 大学 furniture 家具 deaf 聋的 temperature 温度 famous people Chinese artist Chinese famous poet famous scientist famous poems an inventor a poet a scientist go to university good at painting horses his inventions a lot of things went to university very famous write story this picture 名人 中国艺术家 著名的科学家 中国著名诗人 有名的诗 一位发明家 一位诗人 一个科学家 上大学 擅长画马 他的发明 很多东西 去了大学 非常有名 写童话 这张照片 1. Sarah is an _____ who loves to create beautiful paintings. A. inventor B. artist C. scientist 2. Emily enjoys reading and writing _____ in her free time. A. poems B. inventions C. paintings 3. The _____ was so exciting that the entire town came out to watch. A. poem B. race C. dictionary 4. Thomas Edison was a famous _____ known for inventing the light bulb. A. poet B. scientist C. writer 5. Can you _____ what this word means by looking it up in the dictionary A. fall B. invent C. study 6. The _____ of this story is about a brave young girl who saved the day. A. poem B. temperature C. plot 7. We need to _____ the furniture in the living room to make more space. A. fall B. paint C. station 8. The _____ will tell us the meaning of any word we don't understand. A. temperature B. scientist C. dictionary 9. Timmy is very _____ because he won first place in the running race. A. blind B. deaf C. excited 10. The _____ is the place where you catch the train or bus. A. station B. transportation C. poet 【答案】 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. A 1. I like to read his stories. 我喜欢看他写的童话。 【解析】①这个句子使用了一般现在时。 "I like" 表示喜欢的情感, "to read" 是不定式,用来表示目的或愿望。整个句子表示的是一种习惯或喜好,即作者喜欢阅读他的故事。 【注意】 "Like to do" 和 "like doing" 都表示喜欢做某事,但它们在用法上略有不同: Like to do: "Like to do" 用于表达一种一般或常规的喜好或愿望。这种结构强调某人在一般情况下喜欢或愿意做某事。 Like doing: "Like doing" 用于表达正在进行的或具体的动作,强调某人喜欢当前正在做的事情。 【例句】 1. I like to swim in the morning.(我喜欢早上游泳。) 这句话表明说话者通常喜欢在早上游泳,这是他们的一种习惯或喜好。 2. I like swimming in the morning.(我喜欢早上游泳。) 这句话强调的是说话者目前正在做的事情,即早上游泳。 单项选择。 1. She _____ swimming in the ocean during the summer. A. likes to do B. like doing C. likes doing D. liked doing 2. He _____ to the gym three times a week. A. likes to go B. like going C. likes going D. liked going 答案:A 【答案】1. C 2. A 选择合适的形式填 ... ...

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