
Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section B (1a-1d)教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:61次 大小:4212065Byte 来源:二一课件通
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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com Unit 10 I’ve had this bike for three years. Section B 1a-1d 学校 : 官桥中学 八年级 2014 年6月 16日 第 18 周 星期: 星期一 第 3 节课 主讲人 :李健 个人手机: 13969449807 邮箱:lj69807@ Learning aims: 一、语言知识:词汇:at least, a primary school, a concert hall, bridge, hill 常用表达:How long has it been there The concert hall has been around for at least 20 years. 二、语言技能: 描述所居住城市或者家乡的特色建筑物的历史变迁。 三、学习策略: 1.通过听搜寻信息 2.在真实的语境中积极参与师生、生生互动,借助课件开展口语交际和调查采访活动。 四、情感意识:通过谈论家乡有特色的地方,增进对家乡的了解,从而更加热爱家乡。 Teaching steps: Step I Preview Ask the students to put the following and sentences into English orally. After that let the students write them down.2·1·c·n·j·y Phrases: 1. 小学_____ 2. 街那头的餐馆_____ 3. 音乐厅_____ 4. 至少_____ Sentences: 1. 科学博物馆后面是什么?周末人们在那里做什么? _____ 2. 它在那儿多久了? _____ 3. 它在这儿至少20年了。 _____ (设计意图:学生们已具备自己预 习并找出重点词组与句子的能力,这一项预习作业能够帮助学生熟悉本节课所要讲的内容,节省课上讲解的时间。让学生不看课本写出这些短语与句子可以使学生逐步养成主动识记的习惯,培养他们学习的主动性。) Step II Leading-in T: Our hometown Tengzhou is a lovely place, isn’t it 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】 S: Yes. T: Let’s watch a beautiful MTV about her? Then play a short part of the MTV to the students.21cnjy.com After that, ask the students some questions. T: In the MTV, there are two famous places in Tengzhou. Do you know their names S: Red Lotus Wetland and Longquan Tower. T: Great! Red Lotus Wetlands and Longquan Tower are famous places in Tengzhou. There are also some other places like that. Do you know their names 2-1-c-n-j-y S1: Mount Lianqing. S2: Jinghe Park. S3: Longquang Square. S4: …… T: Very goo d! There are so many interesting places. Tengzhou is a beautiful place. (设计意图:通过播放一段《荷花别样红》的MTV,吸引学生的注意力,提高课堂的气氛, 同时利用视频中所出现的景点引导学生谈论家乡,为下一步话题的展开做铺垫。) Then show the students the pictures of some places in Tengzhou. 【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 (设计意图:呈现给学生一些滕州景点的图片,引出听力中较长的句子,并借此过渡到谈论特色建筑物。) Step III Before-listening 1. Show the students the pictures of Jinghe Park. Guide the students to say something about it. T: Jinghe Park is a good place to have fun. Have you ever been there 21·cn·jy·com S: Yes, I have. T: In the park, th ere is a river, several bridges and small hills. It’s very beautiful. How long has Jinghe Park been there S: It has been there since 1985. T: Good! It’s been around for as long as I can remember. (设计意图:通过师生对话谈论荆河公园,引出本课的目标语言,为下一步操练目标语言做示范并呈现听力中难理解的句子。) 2. T: Let’s tal k about another three places like that using the patterns. (设计意图:创设真实的语言环境,引导学生操练目标语言为下一步的听力打下语言基础。) Step IV While-l ... ...

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