
Module 5 Unit 1 It's big and light 课件+单元整体教学设计

日期:2024-07-24 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:56225068Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 外研版五年级下册 Module 5 Unit 1 Let’s make a home library. Lead in My bag is broken. Ms Smart will take me to the department store to buy a new one. Let’s have a look. What are they talking about Look and think Let’s watch Listen and complete Lingling, look at your bag! It’s _____. You can't take it to China. I'll buy you a new _____. broken one Listen and complete Thank you. Listen and complete This black bag is _____. It’s _____! nice big Listen and complete But it’s _____. This green one is _____. And it's got two _____. You can put your _____there. heavy light pockets umbrella Listen and complete But it’s _____. small Listen and complete Look at this blue one. It’s _____. big and light Listen and complete Oh yes! Listen and complete And it's got four _____. It'll be _____ for you to carry. wheels easy Listen and complete Great! We’ll _____it. take Listen and complete Thank you very much. Let’s learn It’s broken. broken break The TV is broken. Let’s learn But it's heavy. heavy 重的 The suitcase is heavy. Let’s learn This green one is light. light 轻的 Helium(氦) is a very light gas. Let’s learn And it's got two pockets. pocket 口袋 He had a few pennies in his pocket. Let’s learn You can put your umbrella there. umbrella 雨伞 I put up my umbrella. Let’s learn And it's got four wheels. wheel 轮子 The wheel must be broken. What’s wrong with Lingling’s bag It’s broken. Read and answer Where are Ms Smart and Lingling They are at the department store. Read and answer Which bag did they buy The blue one. Read and answer Lingling, look at your bag! It's broken. You can't take it to China. I'll buy you a new one. Listen and repeat Thank you. Listen and repeat This black bag is nice. It's big! Listen and repeat But it's heavy. This green one is light. And it's got two pockets. You can put your umbrella there. Listen and repeat But it's small. Listen and repeat Look at this blue one. It's big and light. Listen and repeat Oh yes! Listen and repeat And it's got four wheels. It'll be easy for you to carry. Listen and repeat Great! We'll take it. Listen and repeat Thank you very much. Listen and repeat Listen and chant It’s big. It’s light. It’s hard to fly a kite. It’s blue. It’s white. It’s nice to ride a bike. Listen and say This black bag is nice. It’s big! Listen and say Look at this blue one. It’s big and light. Look, write and say Look, write and say The yellow pencils are broken. The blue pencils are new. Look, write and say The yellow kite is small. The red kite is big. Look, write and say The blue shoes are clean/ new. The white shoes are dirty/ old. Look, write and say The green bag is heavy. The red bag is light. Let’s learn more This … is …. It’s …. Pair work Ms Smart bought a blue big for me. It’s big and light. It’s nice. I like it very much. Homework Must do: 1. Read and try to retell the passage. 2. Describe your stationery. What do they look ... ...

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