
Module 7 Great books Unit 1 课件(共49张PPT,含音频)+教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:13次 大小:33888376Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Module 7 Great books When we talk about ‘Great books’, what words will come to your mind pleasure knowledge well-known writers popularity influence meaningful Who are they Confucius Shakespear Mark Twain Do you know something about them We are influenced by their books a lot. Their books are loved by us. The books make a lot of sense to us They are meaningful to us./ They mean a lot to us. We love their books. Their books are read by people today. People read their books today. Their books influence us a lot. I suppose that the first guest is from ... second guest is from ... third guest is from ... Confucius Shakespeare Mark Twin 1. Who are they introducing 2. Where do the guests probably come from China. England. America. presenter hosts Confucius was a great _____ and _____ in _____ China. He lived over _____ years ago and he is well-known in _____. William Shakespeare was English and wrote _____. Although he died about _____ years ago, his plays ____ still _____, his poems ____ still _____ by many people. Mark Twain was an _____ writer. His works _____ in schools. His stories are set _____ of the US over ____ years ago, and readers still enjoy them very much. Why are they famous Confucius Shakespeare Mark Twain plays and poems teacher thinker ancient many countries 2,000 400 are are seen read American are studied in the south 100 Who do you think is the most well-known Why? People still see his plays. Many people still read his poems. Students study his works in schools. Betty is discussing great writers with Mr. Jackson. 1. Who are Betty’s great writers A. Confucius and Mark Twain. B.Confucius and Shakespeare. C. Shakespeare and Mark Twain. 2. What does Betty have to do for the discussion A. She has to write a book. B. She has to read a book. C. She has to read her favorite book and write a review. 3. What does Betty think of Mark Twain A.He was as famous as Confucius. B.He was more famous than Shakespeare. C.He is not so famous as Confucius and Shakespeare. Listen and choose Listen for Mr Jackson’s opinions He accepts that Confucious and Shakespeare are _____because their works _____ by many people. But he thinks he would describe Confucius _____ as a teacher and thinker _____ a writer. Shakespeare’s plays also _____ to people today. So people have always read , and will always read _____. He thinks Mark Twain’s books are still _____, one of his books ,_____ , is his favourite. great are still read more than make a lot of sense great books popular The Adventure of Tom Sawyer People are influenced by his ideas. When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers. Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters 三人行,必有我师焉。 有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎 guess the meaning What does “No” mean here? He agrees that Mark Twain isn’t as famous as Confucius and Shakespear. Give opinions and reasons Talking about famous writers Ask for opini ... ...

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