
【核心素养目标】 Unit 1 What’s the matter Section B(1a-1d)表格式教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:456615Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 What's the matter Section B(1a-1d) Teaching Aims 1.语言能力:了解生活中常见的意外事故发生时应该采取什么措施。 2.文化意识:引导学生正确面对生活中遇到的困难,爱惜身体,坚持锻炼。 3.思维品质:能根据图片进行预测。 4.学习能力:有意识地运用知识迁移策略来描述遇到意外事故时应该怎么做。 Teaching Difficulties 能就安全问题提出建议。 Teaching Aids multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching Teaching Procedures Tips Step 1 Lead in T can ask Ss the questions: Have you ever met any accidents What should we do in the face of accidents T can show Ss some pictures of accidents in our daily life. T can ask Ss the question: Do you know anything about first aid T can show Ss some pictures of first aid. Step 2 Presentation & Practice Pre-listening 1a When these accidents happen, what should you do Put the actions in order. T can show Ss the pictures in the textbook in Page 5. Then ask them some questions. Q1: What’s the matter with the boy He fell down and hurt his back. Q2: What should he do First, he should go to the hospital. Next, he should get an X-ray. Then, he should rest for a few days. 1 Go to the hospital. 2 Get an X-ray. 3 Rest for a few days. Q3: What should they do 2 Press the sides of your nose. 3 Put a bandage on it. 1 Put your head down. 1 Run it under water. 3 Clean your face. 2 Put some medicine on it. While-listening 1b Listen to the school nurse. Check (√) the problems you hear. 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you check in the chart above. a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperature c. told him to rest d. put some medicine on it e. took him to the hospital to get an X-ray f. told her to put her head down Fill in the blanks according to the information in 1b & 1c. Today was a really _____ day in my office. One boy _____ himself in P.E. class. He felt ____ and _____ down because of the hot sun. He cut his _____. I _____ the cut and put some _____ on it. Then I put a _____ on it. I also _____ his temperature. Luckily he didn’t have a _____. One girl had a _____. I told her to put her head _____ and _____ the sides of her nose to stop the blood. Another boy got _____ on the head _____ a baseball bat. He was taken to the hospital to _____ an X-ray. I hope that everyone can be careful and take good _____ of their body. Answers:busy hurt sick fell knee washed medicine bandage took fever nosebleed down press hit with get care Post-listening 1d Role-play a conversation between the nurse and the teacher. Use the information in 1b and 1c. A: Who came to your office today B: First, a boy came in. He hurt himself in P.E. class. A: What happened B: … Step 3 Language points learning 1. Press the sides of your nose.按压你鼻子的两侧。 press v. 按压;催促;逼迫 pressure n. 压力 under pressure 压力之下 put pressure on sb.向某人施压 e.g. His parents pressed him to take piano lessons. My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. 2. cut ourselves 割伤我们自己 wash the cut 清洗伤口 cut ... ...

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