
【核心素养目标】 Unit 1 What’s the matter Section B(3a-Self Check)表格式教案

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:32次 大小:381297Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 What’s the matter Section B(3a-Self Check) Teaching Aims 1.语言能力:谈论健康问题并提出合理建议。 2.文化意识:培养学生乐于助人的品质,引导学生积极向善的道德观念。 3.思维品质:能根据所给内容或条件对语篇进行改编或创编。 4.学习能力:运用知识迁移策略描述健康问题并能提出合理化建议。 Teaching Difficulties 掌握描述事故及急救的常用句子,能描述事故,有步骤地描述急救措施。 Teaching Aids multimedia courseware or other realia that the T needs for teaching Teaching Procedures Tips Step 1 Warming up Revision 1.Show a girl’s picture on PPT 5 and PPT 6 to Ss. Ask them the body parts: eye nose mouth head ear tooth(teeth) neck hand heart leg arm back stomach foot knee throat 2.Show the pictures on PPT 7 to Ss. And tell them a disease associated with a part of the body. heartache stomachache toothache headache earache backache sore throat sore back 3.Summarize some health problems and injuries in PPT 8 and PPT 9. ◆ feel sick/bad/terrible 感觉不舒服 ◆ have an accident 出事故 ◆ have problems breathing 呼吸有问题 ◆ fall down 跌倒 ◆ cut one’s knee 割破膝盖 ◆ hurt one’s back 伤了背部 ◆ hurt/cut himself/herself/... 伤了/割破他/她自己 ◆ get hit (on the head) (by...) 头部被击中 ◆ get sunburned 晒伤 4.Summarize some advice and treatments. ◆ lie down and rest 躺下休息 ◆ drink some hot tea with honey 喝点加蜂蜜的热茶 ◆ see a dentist and get an X-ray 去看牙医,做X光检查 ◆ take some medicine 服药 ◆ take one’s temperature 量体温 ◆ put some medicine on it 上点药 ◆ take breaks away from... 离开……休息一下 ◆ go to a doctor 看病 ◆ go to (the) hospital 去医院 ◆ take... to the hospital 带……去医院 ◆ get some sleep/rest 睡会儿觉/休息一下 ◆ put a bandage on it 用绷带包扎一下 ◆ run it under water 用水冲 ◆ put one’s head down 低头 ◆ bandage oneself 自己包扎 Step 2 Presentation &writing 3a Imagine you are the school nurse and a student just had an accident or a health problem. Make notes about what he/she should and shouldn’t do. Sample 3b Write a conversation between the nurse and the student using the notes in 3a. Use the questions and phrases below to help you. Present some quotes to Ss. Diseases come like an avalanche and go away like reeling silk.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一苹果,医生远离我。 Health is over wealth. 健康胜过财富。 Happiness lies first of all in health.幸福首先在于健康。 Early to bed and early to rise can make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起能使人健康、富有和聪明。 Self Check Exercise 1 Ask Ss to write different health problems next to the body parts. Then write more health problems you know of. Answers: 1. headache 2. sore back; backache 3. sore throat 4. toothache 5. stomachache 6.earache; sore eyes; heartache Exercise 2 Ask Ss to put these questions and answers in order to make a conversation. ____ I hurt myself playing soccer. I have a sore leg. ____ I think you should see a doctor and get an X-ray. ____ What’s the matter ____ What should I do ____ OK, thanks. I’ll do that ... ...

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