课件网) 2024年中考英语专项复习 句法部分: 祈使句 课件 (含2023中考真题) 欢迎来到祈使句山庄!想要进入山庄参观,请先回答我的问题! 祈使句山庄的职责是什么? 用来表示请求、命令、建议、禁止等。 用来表示喜怒哀乐等强烈的情感。 恭喜你答对了!下面请随我来! 我们山庄住着四位鼎鼎有名的侠客,人称“祈使句四侠”。这四位侠客说话多以动词开头,下面跟我一起去拜访他们吧! 【名字】V侠客 【由来】说话的时候总是以动词 (verb)原形开头 【特长】善于表达各种命令、发号施令 Be careful! Be quiet. Stand up. Study hard. 考考你!为什么V侠客说话没有主语? 因为主语被省略了! 有时为了加强语气,V侠客也会在动词之前加上Do。 Do study hard. Do sit down. Do come and see me. 有时为了表示礼貌,我说话的时候也会在句首或句尾加上please。 Please be seated. Please open your books. Go this way, please. Put down you hands, please. 观察一下,please出现在句首和句尾时有什么不同吗? Please出现在句尾时,前面一定要加逗号。 现在我们一起去拜访 L侠客! 【名字】L侠客 【由来】说话的时候总是以Let开头 【特长】擅长表达各种请求或建议 Let’s go to Kunlun Mountain at once. Let’s do it. Let me try again. Let me go and look for it. Let him go there himself. V侠客和L侠客都属于肯定祈使句派。想去拜访否定祈使句派的侠客吗?请先闯过下面这一关! 1. 图书馆里有人大声说话,你应该说”Please be quiet.” 还是 “Let’s be quiet.”为什么? 2. 课上老师想让学生集中注意力看黑板,可以用什么 祈使句? 3. 你和朋友要去公园,路程较远,你想打的去,可以 用什么祈使句? 恭喜你完成挑战!现在我们一起去拜访否定祈使句派的两位大侠! 【名字】D侠客 【由来】说话的时候总是以Don’t开头 【特长】告诉人们不要做某事,是祈使 句的否定结构 Don’t swim in the river. Don’t drive too fast. Don’t be rude to elders. Don’t let them look down upon you. Don’t let the kids play with fire. 看图片,用Don’t开头的祈使句去制止这些生活中的不文明行为吧! Don’t jump the queue. Don’t cross the road. Don’t litter. Don’t spit on the ground. Don’t eat in the subway. Don’t smoke in the lift. Don’t feed the animals. Don’t pick the flowers. 最后,让我们一起来见见N侠客! 【名字】N侠客 【由来】说话的时候总是以No开头 【特长】喜欢说一些公共警示语,提倡 文明行为,也是祈使句的否定结构 No photos! No smoking! No parking! 用No开头的祈使句说出下面警示牌的含义。 No fire! No food and drink! No enter! No swimming! No cars! No fishing! No pets! No touching! 现在你已经见识过“祈使句四侠”的本领了!下面让我看看你对祈使句掌握得如何! — Attention, please!_____inside because of the heavy rain. — We will, Mr.Li. A. To stay B. Stay C. Staying (2023.黑龙江绥化) B _____ trying and do your best. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Kept (2023.甘肃天水) A Amy: You can just drop me here. Tom: But we are two blocks away from the office. Amy: It’s fine. I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk. What does Amy want to do A. Have lunch. B. Take a walk. C. Call her office. D. Drive a car. (2023.江苏徐州) — Please move your car away, sir. This is “_____” area. A. No smoking B. No parking C. No swimming D. No littering B (2023.江苏徐州 ... ...