

日期:2024-06-20 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:97次 大小:3143623Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    叙州区高2022级高二上期期末考试 英语试题参考答案 1-5:BCAAB 6-10:CACBB 11-15:BAAAC 16-20:CACBC 21-23:ABD 24-27:BACD 28-31:ACDB 32-35:BCAC 36-40CEADF 41-45:DBCAB 46-50:CDACD 51-55:BBADC 56impressive 57cheering;58was filled;59given;60waves; 61.The; 62.which;63themselves; 64.helps; 65.through 66.Dear Sir/Madam, I’m writing to bring to your notice that I’ve had an unpleasant experience of purchasing your product. I purchased the Bookworm series from your online store two weeks ago but received my order only yesterday. I was wondering if there was any delay of the shipment or delivery. Moreover, I observe that the packaging of the product is partially damaged and the there are also a few items missing. I am utterly disappointed with this kind of quality being delivered to me. I request you to help me either by refunding or replacing the product. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to hearing from you with a proper solution. 67:Paragraph 1: However, he found a brand new car in his garage the following day. “What’s going on ” he wondered wide-eyed, throwing his motorbike on the grass. Then he noticed the old beggar he had helped cross the road standing by the garage. “Sir! What are you doing here Is that your car How What Why ” Harry stumbled through questions as he approached the old man. The old man explained that his wife had left him with their only son when his company went bankrupt. And this car bought years ago had been for his grandson as a birthday gift, who, however, had died of a severe disease. “I could tell from your work uniform that you deliver food, and thought that you could really use the vehicle. Please, accept it!”, the old man insisted. Paragraph 2: The sincerity in the old man’s face couldn’t be denied. Harry swallowed thickly at the moisture gathering in the old man’s eyes and finally nodded. “Thank you,” he said gratefully and hugged the old beggar. “How about some dinner ”, Harry offered, brightening the mood. They had dinner and a wonderful time. The next day, Harry delivered everything in the new car and got home early to spend more time with his kids and actually enjoyed himself. He invited the old man to come every Friday for a special dinner, and he became like a member of their family — a family who valued each other after anything money could buy. So be nice to others, and you’ll get repaid in unusual ways. 听力原材料 Text1: W: Are you going shopping M: Yes, I need some clothes for Alison’s wedding next week. W: Aren’t you going to wear your blue suit M: Yes, but my white shirt looks very old, and it doesn’t look good with my tie. I think I need a new one. Text2: W: That’s the boy that started the fight in the school the other day. M: His two sisters are in my math class. They are perfect students. He’s an exception. Text3: W: Is your house warmer since you had your roof repaired M: Yes. But the walls are very thin. It’s still a little cold even with all the doors closed. Text4 ... ...

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