
Module 10 Unit 2 My mother's cleaning our houses and sweeping away bad luck. 课件(共26张PPT,内嵌视频)

日期:2024-09-20 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:20次 大小:11191050Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 10 Unit 2 My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. 能熟悉并能正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语 能掌握一般现在时和现在进行时的区别 能描述春节做的事情 2 1 3 Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Language Point 【拓展】 lucky adj. 幸运的 luckily adv. 幸运地 John is _____(幸运的) enough to be chosen for the swimming club. lucky Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Language Point luck n. 运气。good luck 好运;祝愿他人好运时,常说“Good luck (to sb. )! ”;bad luck 霉运。 Please sweep away bad luck! 请扫除霉运! — I will have a math test tomorrow. —_____ A. Good luck!  B. Thank you! C. Well done! D. The same to you! A 【点拨】此题用交际法解答。根据前句“我明天将有一场数学 测验。”可知要祝其好运。故选A。 2 Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Staying up late or all night, setting off firecrackers and enjoying it, building fires, grabbing red envelops on the phone, playing games together. Read paragraph C and answer questions. 1. What do Chinese people always do during the Spring Festival 2. Who usually gives you a hongbao 3. Think: Why do elders give children a hongbao We visit relatives and friends and give New Year greetings. The elders. To celebrate the child growing up. It can drive away bad things and bless children’s peace.(保佑平安) Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life How does Li Shan introduce Spring Festival ... It’s a few days before Spring Festival. My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. ... We always buy a lot of food before the festival. When What do people always do What are people doing Why Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life How does Li Shan introduce Spring Festival traditions(传统) ... We are celebrating Spring Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival. ... I am eating jiaozi ... . After the dinner, we usually watch a special programme on TV. When What do people usually do What are people doing Why Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Language Point —What does your new English teacher look like —She is a pretty lady _____ long hair. (山东菏泽) A. at  B. for  C. with  D. of C 【点拨】此题用词语应用法。此题询问“你的新英语老师长什么 样?”,答语“她是一位留着长发的漂亮女士。”由于 句中有is,所以用介词with短语作定语, 表示“带有” 的意思,来限定lady。故选C。 【拓展】① with“具有;带有”, Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Language Point celebrate v. 庆祝,其名词形式为: celebration,是“庆典,庆祝活动”的意思。 They are celebrating Tony's birthday. 他们正在庆祝托尼的生日。 with表示一种伴随状态。 I always get up with the bell. 我总是伴随着铃声起床。 Read, study and learn about everything imporant in your life Language Point —Who do you want to go to the movies _____? —Jack. He also likes watching movies. A. wi ... ...

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