
河北省张家口市桥西区2023-2024学年八年级上学期 英语期末试题(含解析)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:27次 大小:34323Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023—2024学年度第一学期期末学情诊断测试 八年级 英语试卷 考生注意:1.本试卷共6页,总分100分,考试时间为90分钟。 2.请务必在答题纸上作答,写在试卷上的答案无效。考试结束,只收答题纸。 3.答卷前,请在答题纸上将姓名、班级、考场、座位号、准考证号填写清楚。 4.客观题答题,必须使用2B铅笔填涂,修改时用橡皮擦干净。 5.主观题答案须用黑色字迹钢笔、签字笔书写。 6.必须在答题纸上题号所对应的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域的书写,无效。 7.保持卷面清洁、完整。禁止对答题纸恶意折损,涂画,否则不能过扫描机器。 PartⅠ(25%) Ⅰ. Listen and choose what you hear.(1*5=5) 1. A. a pianist B. a pilot C. a policeman 2. A. stay up B. grow up C. turn up 3. A. an exciting program B. an excellent postcard C. an excellent program 4. A. Little kids are happy with the dark. B. Little kids are afraid of the dark. C. Little kids are interested in the dark. 5. A. We can learn something new all the time. B. It’s too late for us to learn something new. C. We can learn something new because we are young. Ⅱ. Listen and choose the best response to each sentence.(1*5=5) 6. A. He is running B. He is at home. C. He is an engineer. 7. A. Good idea. B. That’s true. C. Sorry to hear that. 8. A. Two years ago. B. For two years. C. In two years. 9. A. Thank you. B. Not at all. C. Well done. 10. A. What is your ambition B. What is your interest C. Why is a hobby important Ⅲ. Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct answer to each question.(1*5=5) 11. Which does George like better A. Gardening B. Dancing C. Both 12. What is the girl weak in A. Writing. B. Working with kids. C. Teaching students. 13. How does the father feel A. Excited. B. Angry. C. Proud. 14. When did Helen do badly in the math test A. This term. B. Last term. C. Last year. 15. What did the teacher and classmates tell her to do A. Ask them for help. B. Work harder. C. Do more exercises. Ⅳ. Listen to the passages and choose the correct answer to each question.(1*5=5) 16. How long does it take to go from Zhangjiakou to Datong on the train A. 1 hour. B. 2 hours. C. 3 hours. 17. What does the train have A. A smoking car. B. A dining car. C. A reading car. 18. Where did Emma go to improve her singing skills A. A music school. B. A music club. C. A singer’s home. 19. How did Emma feel at the music festival A. Relaxed. B. Nervous. C. Thankful. 20. What did Emma’s father buy for her A. A computer. B. A piano. C. A guitar. Ⅴ. Fill in the blanks according to what you hear.(1*5=5) Information Sheet Listening All passed it. Speaking 21. Only two students _____ in it. Grammar 22. Students should go over their _____ notes. Reading 23. Most of the students think it is _____.24. They have to read one _____ of the books every evening. Writing 25. Students need to _____ the words well. PartⅡ(75%) Ⅵ. Choose the best answer.(1*10=10) 1.“I must get to school early tomorrow!” the boy said to _____. A.myself B.himself C.herself D.themselves 2.—The last bus left just now. What should we do —Let’s take a taxi. We have no ... ...

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