
专项05 Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元话题写作 “饮食习惯” (含范文)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:35次 大小:447941Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 A healthy diet 单元话题写作 “饮食习惯” (含范文) 第一篇 【话题分析】 健康的饮食对我们每个人来说都很重要。本单元围绕饮食习惯,向大家讲述了 Mike和Yang Ling 的饮食习惯。那么,怎样的饮食是健康的,哪些饮食习惯又是不健康的呢 请以“My diet”为题,写一篇英语小短文介绍一下自己的饮食。 【思路点拨】 【范文欣赏】 My diet A healthy diet is very important. I have a healthy diet. I have three meals on time every day. I usually have some noodles for breakfast. For lunch, I usually have a lot of vegetables, some rice, some meat and fish. I always eat a little rice and a salad for dinner. Fruit is good for our body. So I eat some fruit every day. I also have a few eggs every week. Sweet food is nice, but it's not good for our teeth. I only eat a little at a time. I don't like drinking water. I only drink a little water every day. It's not a good habit. From now on, I should drink more water. To be healthy, I should always keep a healthy diet. 【写作练习】 同学们,均衡饮食是健康的基础,我们该如何通过饮食来保持健康呢 请联系生活实际,以“How to have a healthy diet”为题,写一写健康的饮食习惯对每个人的重要性。 要求:语句通顺,意思连贯,表达准确,不少于 40 个词。 How to have a healthy diet 第二篇 【话题分析】 本单元介绍了饮食习惯。那么什么是健康饮食呢?我们应该怎么做?请以“A healthy diet”为题写一篇短文。 作文结构展示 可能用到的词汇和句子 开头:提出健康饮食的重要性。 句子:A healthy diet is very important. 中间:依次介绍各种健康饮食建议。 词汇:eggs and milk, drink a lot of water, fruit and vegetables, porridge and steamed buns句子:In a healthy diet,there is a lot of...You can have some......is good for your body....is nice,but it's not good for your teeth. 结尾:总结类的语句,例如:每个人都应该坚持健康饮食。 句子:Everyone should have a healthy diet. 【参考范文】 A healthy diet A healthy diet is very important. In a healthy diet, there is a lot of rice and bread. There is also lots of fruit and vegetables. You can have some meat and fish in your meals. You can also have a few eggs every week. Milk is good for your body. You can have some milk every day. Sweet food is nice, but it's not good for your teeth. So eat only a little every day. To be healthy, you should keep a healthy diet. 【句型热身】 1.迈克每天只喝一点水。 2.海伦午餐经常吃鸡肉三明治和喝果汁。 3.王兵想要吃一些鸡蛋,因为它们对人(的身体)有好处。 4.杨玲喜欢吃甜食,但是她每次只吃一点。 【写作练习】 请根据图片提示并适当发挥想象,以“My diet”为题写一篇作文,要求不少于6句话。 第三篇 请联系实际,谈一谈什么样的饮食才是健康的?以“A healthy diet”为题,写一篇短文。不少于6句话。 【小试身手】 第四篇 同学们,你们的饮食习惯健康吗?请以“My healthy diet”"为题,写一写自己的饮食习惯。 要求:书写规范,语句通顺,意思连贯,可适当发挥,不少于5句话。 My healthy diet 参考答案 第一篇示例: How to have a healthy diet A healthy diet consists of many different kinds of food. To have a healthy diet, we should eat a lot of rice and bread. We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables too. We can hav ... ...

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