
北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Conservation Topic Talk 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:95次 大小:6958472Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 Topic Talk 新 课 导 入 Let’s talk What did happen to them The running water dried up. The rhinos were shot. The dense forest became dead wood. 课 堂 学 习 Pair Work. Use the diagram to talk about the things that need to be protected. What needs to be protected ... Our environment needs protection. We use cars too much, which is bad for both the environment and our health. Conservation Example Why do they need protection What should we do Read the Text Builder carefully. Then listen to the dialogue and complete it by underlining the words or expressions you hear. 2 3.1 Text Builder Conservation I really feel strongly that we need to change the way we _____ in order to protect _____. Human Activities farm and eat, work, travel, live Things to be Protected the Earth, plants, oceans, forests, animals and the environment, our planet, our land live our planet I can see that _____ is one of the biggest threats to our planet. Ways We Destroy Nature the use of oil and coal, plastic waste, driving cars, cutting down forests, mining the use of oil and coal We all need to _____. Positive Actions reuse previously used items recycle and reduce the amount of waste we produce help save energy and resources cut down the use of unrecyclable plastic play our part use cars less cycle and walk more recycle and reduce the amount of waste we produce Use the Text Builder to talk about your feelings on conservation or how to protect the environment. 3 I feel strongly that we all need to save energy and resources use eco-friendly products cycle and work more use cloth shopping bags ... 4 3.2 Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions. 1. Why is Dr. Bradshaw working on protecting rhinos 2. What do people do to rhinos Rhinos are in danger. Some people incorrectly think rhinos’ horns are useful in medicine and illegally hunt them. 3. What does Dr. Bradshaw suggest doing 4. What may happen, if we don’t do something now Making everyone know that hunting these animals is illegal and that these amazing animals are part of the world we live in. There will be no rhinos left in the world in 20 years. Use the language you have learnt to write a short paragraph about what you know, how you feel and what you need to protect the environment in the future. Then share it in groups. 5 You can choose one of the following topics: energy conservation wildlife conservation endangered species conservation ... Quote & Unquote Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land. — Aldo Leopold Conservation means the wise use of the Earth and its resources for the lasting good of men. — Gifford Pinchot Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented. — Barry Commoner Take with restraint and use in moderation; this way one shall always know contentment. — Zizhi Tongjian Key points threat n.构成威胁的人,形成威胁的事物;(灾难等坏事)发生的可能;威胁,恐吓 [归纳拓展] pose a threat to... 对… ... ...

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