

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:66次 大小:288354Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末冲刺特训卷-英语三年级上册译林版(三起) 一、选择题 1.I _____ Helen. She _____ my sister. ( ) A.are; is B.is; am C.am; is 2.—Hi, I’m Su Hai. ( ) —_____ A.Hi, I’m Mike. B.Hello, Su Yang. C.Good evening, Su Yang. 3._____ Tina. _____ is my friend. ( ) A.She; He’s B.She’s; She C.She’s; She’s 4.—This is my brother, Bobby. ( ) —_____ A.I’m Bobby. B.Hello, Bobby. C.Are you Bobby 5.—Good afternoon. Su Hai! ( ) —_____! A.Hello B.Good afternoon C.Good evening 6._____ is my brother Joe. ( ) A.He’s B.She C.He 7._____ my grandma. _____ Mike. _____ my friend too. ( ) A.She’s; He’s; He’s B.He’s; He’s; He’s C.She’s; He’s; She’s 8.He’s Liu Tao. _____. ( ) A.He’s my brother B.He’s my sister C.She’s my brother 9.Look! This is _____. ( ) A.I B.my C.me 10.—Goodbye, Miss Wu. ( ) —_____, Alice. A.Hello B.See you next time C.Morning 二、填空题 11.I’d like (一个橙色的鸡蛋). 12.That’s a (蓝色的帽子). 13.This (蛋糕) is for you. 14.—What’s (那个) —It’s (橘子). 15. (新年快乐)! 16.—This toy (小汽车) is (给你). —Thank you. 17.The zebra is (黑白相间的). 18. (这) is (一个) pie. 19.— (看) at (我的) T-shirt. — (它是) nice. 20.Tim is (我的) brother. 三、排序题 21.给下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话 ( ) Here you are. ( ) Would you like a hot dog ( ) What about some rice ( ) No, thank you. ( ) Yes, please. ( ) Thank you. 四、翻译题 22.家庭 23.grandma 24.妈妈 25.me 五、匹配题 选出句子相对应的答句。 A.It’s a hot dog. B.It’s yellow. C. It’s nice. D.Yes, please. I like pies. E. No. I’d like a pie. 26.What about a cake ( ) 27.Would you like a pie ( ) 28.What colour is the egg ( ) 29.Look at my sweet. ( ) 30.What’s this ( ) 六、阅读理解 阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 A: May I come in, Miss Zhu B: Come in, please. What’s that in your box A: Guess! B: Is it a book A: No. B: Is it a pen A: No. B: A card A: Yes, that’s right. This card is for you. B: Oh, it’s nice. I like it! Thank you. A: Happy Teachers’ Day, Miss Zhu! B: Thank you, Su Yang. 31.Su Yang is at home(在家). ( ) 32.It’s a pen in the box. ( ) 33.The card is for Miss Zhu. ( ) 34.Miss Zhu likes the card. ( ) 35.“Teachers’ Day” means(表示……的意思) “教师节”. ( ) 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello, I’m Tim. Today is my birthday. Can you see a big cake on the table (一个大蛋糕在桌上) It’s from(来自) my mother. It is nice. My father gives(给) me two toy bears. They’re cute (可爱的). Look at the green car! It’s from my brother. My grandpa and grandma give me a new cap. It is great. I am happy today. 36.Tim has (有) _____ toy bears. ( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 37.The _____ is from Tim’s mother. ( ) A.cap B.car C.cake 38.The car is _____. ( ) A.red B.green C.black 39.Tim’s grandpa and grandma give Tim _____. ( ) A.a new cap B.a toy car C.two toy bears 40.Tim is _____ today. ( ) A.cute B.happy C.hot 参考答案: 1.C 【详解】句意:我是海伦。她是我妹妹。本题考查be动词,主语I用am,主语Sh ... ...

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