

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:77次 大小:675310Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 期末考前冲刺卷-英语四年级上册译林版(三起) 一、选择题 1.—I can’t swim. ( ) —I can’t swim _____. ( ) A.too B.to C.either 2.—Can Mike play basketball ( ) —Yes, _____. A.I can B.he can C.he can’t 3.—Sorry, Mum. I can’t swim. ( ) ―_____. A.All right B.Have a look C.Have a try 4.—I have two apples here. _____ you like one ( ) —Yes, please. A.Would B.Can C.Are 5.We like the lovely _____. It’s very big and strong(强壮的). ( ) A.chicken B.duck C.elephant 6.―I can’t skate. ( ) ―I can’t _____. A.either B.too C.but 7.―Would you like _____ bananas ( ) ―No, I have _____ bananas. A.any; any B.some; some C.any; some 8.―_____ any English books ( ) ―Yes, I _____. A.Do you have; have one B.Can you like; can C.Do you like; like 9.—This is a toy lion. Do you like _____ ( ) —Yes, I like _____. A.it; lions B.these; the lion C.lion; the lion 10.Look, the umbrella is _____ the tree. ( ) A.on B.in C.at 11.The panda is cute _____ fat. ( ) A.and B.too C.or 12.Don’t be sad. I can’t jump _____. ( ) A.either B.too C.but 13.—What’s that _____ the tree ( ) —It’s an _____. A.in; ball B.under; oranges C.on; apple 14.—How many _____ do you have ( ) —I have one. A.toys cat B.toys cats C.toy cats 15._____ play tennis. ( ) A.Let is B.Let us C.Let our 二、填空题 16.I like . And I have . 17.Let’s now. 18.—What’s four and fourteen —It’s . 19.How many toy do you have 20.A: Look at this . B: Its(它的) is big. 21.A: What would you like B: I’d like some and a . 三、排序题 22.将下列句子排序成连贯的对话。 A.Yes, I can play very well. What about you B.Good afternoon, Yang Ling. What’s that C. Great! D.It’s a table tennis. Can you play table tennis E. Me too. Let’s go and play. F. Good afternoon, Nancy. 正确顺序:( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、匹配题 找出相应的答句。 A.Yes, I do. B.Sure. C. I have a pineapple. D.Have a try. E. Thank you. 23.What do you have ( ) 24.I can’t play table tennis. ( ) 25.Do you like cows ( ) 26.Can I have an egg ( ) 27.Here you are. ( ) 五、阅读理解 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。 Hi, I’m Helen. I like toy animals. Look! I have nineteen toys. I like elephants very much(非常). I like fruit too. I have some apples, oranges and grapes. I can make a fruit salad. I can’t skate, but I can play table tennis very well. Tim is my brother. He can’t play table tennis, but he can jump very well. 28.Helen has _____ toys. ( ) A.9 B.19 C.18 29.Helen likes _____ very much. ( ) A.elephants B.tigers C.lions 30.Helen can _____ very well. ( ) A.play table tennis B.skate C.jump 31.Tim can _____ very well. ( ) A.swim B.skate C.jump 32.Can Helen make a fruit salad ( ) A.Yes, she can. B.No, she can’t. C.Yes, she does. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, I’m Liu Yang. I’m thirteen years old. I like sports(运动). I have a new football. I can play football and table tennis. John and Zhang Hua are my friends. They are thirteen years ol ... ...

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