
Unit 6 Happy birthday Part A let's talk课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:14657565Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U6 Happy birthday A Talk P58 Let’s sing Let’s chant P59 four 1. three + = four one 2. six - = four 3. five - = two 4. one + = five 5. two + > four 6. six - < four two three Let’s count 一起来算一算 (3,4,5 …) (3,4,5…) _____ books four Look and say five crayons _____ six ducks _____ How many dogs Two. A: B: Golden eyes ____ ____cats A: ____. B: How many Three How many _____ A: ____. B: dogs Five ___ ____ ____ A: _____. B: How many pandas Four Today is Sam’s birthday. Let’s buy(买) some gifts for him. Sam This afternoon,we will have a birthday party . This one, please. Sure. Here you are. Thank you. This one, please. ____. Here _____. Thank you. Sure. you are. _____, please. ____. Here _____. _____. Sure. you are. This one Thank you Where is Sam now (Sam现在在哪里 ) He’s in the cake shop with his mother. -How many plates -_____. Let’s talk Listen and find 听音,找答案 plate -How many plates -_____. Let’s talk Listen and find 听音,找答案 Five plate Let’s talk P58 Read after it 跟读 This one, please! Sure. ___ ___ plates How many Five. OK. _____ Here you are. ___ ____ candles Six. How old is Sam Sam几岁? Six. How many Sam,happy birthday! Thank you . Sam gets many gifts. gifts birthday card -How many _____ -_____. Three birthday cards Pair work

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