
人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career Reading and Thinking 课件(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:5430388Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading and Thinking Unit 5 Launching Your Career 新人教选择性必修四 Learning Objectives To read a passage about career aptitude tests and learn how to know yourself better through self-assessment To be able to understand charts and graphs To learn as many as words about jobs To be able to talk about your ideas and the reasons behind them IMPORTAINT POINT Part 1 Leading-in Leading-in A businessman is working down a remote country road with a briefcase in hand. It symbolises a person beginning his career with infinite possibilities ahead. 1.What can you see in the picture How do you interpret the picture 2.What is this unit probably about It is probably about work and career. 3.Have you ever thought of what kind of job you will be doing in the future various answers...... Leading-in Leading-in 4. What factors will you take into consideration when you plan your career career interest? goal? education? abilities? ...... Leading-in The future depends on what you do today. Mahatma Gandhi 5.How do you understand it It means that the future is not set — we can change what has already happened through our present actions. IMPORTAINT POINT Part 2 Pre-reading Pre-reading What does “get a head start” mean here We should begin earlier or further ahead to gain a career advantage to help us succeed in our future career. Pre-reading Discuss the questions in pairs, then share your discussion result. What are some of ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them 2.Is it essential that teenagers decide on a career before they become adults Pair work IMPORTAINT POINT Part 3 Skimming Skimming Skim the title and predict what the text is probably about It is probably about planning your career. Skimming Skim the text and find the main advice given to readers. You should use a career aptitude test to help you determine the career you want to take. Skimming Para 2 Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy. Para 3 career aptitude tests can help to get head start for future career. Para 1 Taking time to think about dream career is an essential exercise. Skim the text for the main idea. Para 4 There are many different kinds of career aptitude tests. Skimming Para 5 One popular test works to indicate the participant's overall work personality. Para 6 Career suggestions is also based on education and experience level. Skim the text for the main idea. Para 7 Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool,but only meant for guidance. Skimming Problem Solution Conclusion Part 2 (para3-6) Part 3 (para7) Part 1 (para1-2) Different career aptitude tests can help us to get ahead start in considering our future career. Career aptitude tests are a very useful tool,but they are only meant for guidance. Starting to think about dream career at a young age is not easy. Divide the text into three parts . IMPORTAINT POINT Part 4 Reading Reading Ask questions about pers ... ...

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