
Unit 4 Shopping Day Story Time 课件(共12张PPT+共13张PPT+共13张PPT)

日期:2024-07-02 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:22862690Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) New Starting Line Grade 5 Unit4 Shopping Day Story Time What animals do you hear What animal do you like He likes the puppy. puppy Guess: What animal does Peter like Peter Why is Peter sad now? Watch and think:Why is Peter sad? Check: Why is Peter sad? Because the puppy is gone. Let’s read. Peter Wants a Puppy Where does Peter find the puppy? What does Peter want to do Peter is a Grade 5 student. There is a pet shop next to his school. He goes to see a cute, brown puppy every day after school. He likes it very much. He wants to buy it. Who does Peter ask about price? He asks the shopkeeper, “How much is the puppy ” “35 dollars,” says the shopkeeper. She is a shopkeeper of a flower shop. How should Peter ask the shopkeeper? He asks the shopkeeper, “How much is the puppy ” “35 dollars,” says the shopkeeper. What is dollar? USA 1 dollar≈ 7 Yuan 35 dollars≈ ? Yuan one dollar(课件网) New Starting Line Grade 5 Unit4 Shopping Day Story Time Peter is sad. He only has 25 dollars. “What can I do ” He thinks. Look and guess: Does Peter have 35 dollars Read and answer: How much does Peter have? 35 dollars 25 dollars Can Peter buy the puppy? Read and underline: What can Peter do His mum gives him two dollars for an ice-cream. He doesn’t buy one. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. He just needs three more dollars. 2 dollars Does Peter spend the money? Peter saves the money. 2 dollars 5 dollars 25 dollars How much does Peter have now Can he buy the puppy now 32 dollars 35 dollars Why is Peter so happy? 35 dollars on sale 32 dollars He goes to the shop to see the puppy again. It is still there, but now there is a sign: “On sale, $32”. Peter is very happy. Can Peter buy the puppy now? How does Peter feel now The next day, Peter takes his money and goes to the pet shop. To his surprise, the puppy is gone! He is very sad. How does Peter feel now? Does Peter buy the puppy Why Peter Wants a Puppy Let’s listen and read. Peter is a Grade 5 student. There is a pet shop next to his school. He goes to see a cute, brown puppy every day after school. He likes it very much. He wants to buy it. He asks the shopkeeper, “How much is the puppy ” “35 dollars,” says the shopkeeper. Peter is sad. He only has 25 dollars. “What can I do ” He thinks. His mum gives him two dollars for an ice-cream. He doesn’t buy one. His father gives him five dollars for washing the car. He just needs three more dollars. He goes to the shop to see the puppy again. It is still there, but now there is a sign: “On sale, $32”. Peter is very happy. The next day, Peter takes his money and goes to the pet shop. To his surprise, the puppy is gone! He is very sad.(课件网) New Starting Line Grade 5 Unit4 Shopping Day Story Time 1 2 3 4 5 Let’s check. Let’s order. Let’s rete ... ...

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