
Unit 8 Lesson 45 Different Manners同步练习 (含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:20次 大小:30629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 45 Different Manners 同步练习 基础强化 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词拼写 1. How many _____(客人) will attend your wedding 2. The chairman highly p_____the spirit of Saihanba in 2021. 3. T_____it’s a popular book, it might not be right about everything. 4. That is my _____ (私有的) letter. I don’t want anyone else to read it. 5. It’s one of the good table _____ (礼仪) in China to ask the old to eat first. 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The children take turns _____ (clean) their room. 2. _____(Canada) culture includes many kinds of cultures. 3. _____(tip) is always done in North America, but it’s not the same in China. 4. Some _____ (elder) people may feel embarrassed about being offered a seat in North America. 5. The understanding of national cultural _____ (different) makes China develop better and better. 三、完成句子 1. 你们可以称呼他王先生。 You can _____ _____ Mr. Wang. 2. 王先生,这就是我所看到的一切。 Mr. Wang, this is _____ _____ I saw. 3. 我们在中国居住了三年的时间了。 We _____ _____ in China for three years. 4. 问别人年龄是不礼貌的。 _____ _____ _____ to ask other’s age. 5. 除非她回家,否则就不要把钥匙给她。 Don’t give her the key _____ _____ _____ back home. 能力训练 四、选择填空 1. Her mother praised her _____ her bravery as she saved a little boy. A. of B. for C. about D. with 2. The trip _____ really exciting to me. How I wish to go! A. sounds B. smells C. tastes D. feels 3. —Why does our chemistry teacher often _____ her —Because she gets full marks in chemistry every time. A. praise B. forget C. control D. hurt 4. The tour includes a visit to Disneyland, so you needn’t _____ the tickets. A. pay for B. cost C. spend D. take 5. It’s not polite _____ at others with chopsticks while you are having meals. A. pointing B. to point C. points D. point 6. No matter how far you have gone down the wrong road, _____. A. turn back B. turn off C. turn out D. turn over 7. I hope to own a smart robot which can do the housework for me, and I can sleep for an _____hour every morning. A. excited B. exact C. extra D. exciting 8. He seldom drives his car in the downtown because there’s too much traffic. _____ A. always B. almost never C. sometimes D. often 9. —Do you know sound travels very fast? —Yes. But light travels ___ sound. A. as fast as B. a little faster than C. much faster than D. slower than 10. Tom and Jerry really love each other _____ they fight a lot. A. if B. though C. until D. because 五、从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空 sound like, take turns, good manners, different from, praise for 1. _____ affect the people around you. 2. I was _____ my good work at the meeting. 3. The weather in Australia is _____ that in China. 4. That idea that he came up with _____ a good one. 5. Students in our school _____ helping the elders in the Old Age Home every weekend. 素养提升 六、完形填空 It's important to know the table manners in Western culture. That will help you to __1__ properly at any situation. F ... ...

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