

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:76次 大小:1430112Byte 来源:二一课件通
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"But 39 don't eat at school,"says Julia "haven't got any money for lunch."says Jack."My dad doesn't haveaand my mum's ill.They have lots of problems.But don't worry about me-I'mOK. Julia thinks about this.At home,sbe has a big box.It's full of coins ()She41a scooter (one day.That night,Julia opens the box.takes the coins and puts them into a bag Her mum sees her."42 are you doing that "she asks. "My friend Jack doesn't have any lunch money and I have some money here.This is for him.” "That's very43of you,"says her mum.She feels happy that Julia wants to do this. The next day.Julia and her mum go and44 her teacher.They tell her about Jack and Julia gives her the money."This is for Jack's lunch.Now,he can have lunch every day,"she says. Julia doesn't have a scooter,45 she has a happy friend-Jack! 36.A.food B.friends C.teachers D.work 37.A.buys B.sells C.finds D.cooks 38.A.says B.takes C.does D.likes 39.A.we B.you c.1 D.they 40.A.family B.day C.habit D.job 41.A.wants B.loses C.makes D.draws 42.A.How B.When C.Where D.Why 43.A.busy B.healthy C.kind D.fun 44.A.sce B.help C.know D.thank 45.A.s0 B.but C.and D.because 第二节补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分3分) 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,选项中有一项是多余选项, A:Hi,nice to meet you,Yuki.Can I ask you some questions B:Yes,of course. A:First of all.46 B:I'm from Japan. A:47 B:Well,I'm here because I want to leamn English.Now I'm studying in a language school here. A:48 B:The Global Village English Centre. A:Oh,Global Village-I know it!Your English is very good now.49 B:My teacher is Andy.He's good. A:50 B:Well,I am a teacher.I teach students from 14 to 18. A:Do you miss your family B:Yes!But this month my brother is coming here.I'm so exeited.I'm going to show him round. A:Well,I hope your brother has a great visit. A.Which school B.Who is your teacher C.Where do you come from D.When do you go to school E.And why are you here in Toronto F.And what do you do back in Japan 七年级英语试卷第6页共8页

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