

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:5044911Byte 来源:二一课件通
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初三英语试题 14.What does the man do in his free time A.Visits museums B.Plays with his toys C.Cleans his toys 一、听力测试(共15小题.分15分) 15.Why does the man want to open a museum (一)录音中有五组对话,听对话一迫后,选出能应答每个句子的正确答案。 A.To make money. B.To share his toys. C.To become famous. 1.How long are the online lessons 二、完形填空(共10小题.满分10分) A.For an hour. B.For】5hous C.For two hours. 问读下面短文,从每小愿A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文煮中相应空白处的最 2.Why hasn't Tom talked to David the whole day 住答案。 A.Because Tom made new friends. Dorothy lived in a small house in Kansas,with Unele Henry,Aunt Em,and a little black B.Because they had a fight. dog called Toto. C Because David was very busy. There were no trees and no hills in Kansas,and it was often very 16.Sometimes 3.Where was the girl at the time of the strong wind there was even a cyclone ()It 17 blow buildings away.18,there were A.At home. B.In a library. C.In a coffee shop. cellars (under all the houses.And when a cyelone came.people went down into 4.When will Cindy retum the book Little Women to Alice 19 cellars and stayed there. A.On Mond山y B.On Tuesday. C.On Wednesday. 5.What will the woman do later Oae day Unele Henry came out and looked up at the20Then he ran quickly back into the house."There's a cyclone21"he called to Aunt Em and Dorothy."We must go A.Go to work. B.Eat out with friends. C Look after her daughter. 长 (二)或音中有一段对话,听对话两迎后,选出能应答每个句子的正确答案。 down into the cellar!"They ran to the door of the cellar,22 Toto was afraid.and be ran 6.When did the boy visit the park under the bed.Dorothy ran after him."23!"shouted Aunt Em from the cellar."Leave A.Last Friday. B.Last Saturday. C.Last Sunday. the dog and come down into the cellarl"Dorothy picked up Toto and ran 24 the cellar 7.How did the boy get to the park door.But before she got there,the cyelone hit the housc. 分 A.By bus. B.By car. C.By subway. And then a very25thing happened.The house moved,and then it went slowly up. 8.Who tried all the rides up,up into the sky... A.The boy. B.The boy's father C.The boy's sister. 16.A.sunny B.windy C.rainy D.cloudy 9.How long did the boy stay in the park 17.A.could B.should C.must D.need A.For five hours. B.For seven hours. C.For nine hours 18.A.Recently B.Finally C.Actunlly D.Suddenly 10.What will the boy show to the girl after school 19.A.our B.your C.its D.their A.Photos. B.A camera C.His apartment. 20.A.sky B.desert C.moonlight D.ocean (三)录音中有一篇短文,断短文两迫后,选出能应签每个句子的正确答案。 21.A.going B.coming C.leaving D.flying l.Where is the man now? 22.As0 B.or C.but D.if A.in a restaurant B.In his apartment C.In a shop. 23.A.Get up B.Stand up C.Wake up D.Humy up 12 How long has the man collected toys 24.A.at B.against C.towards D.opposite A.For 40 years. B.For 45 years C.For 50 years. 25.A.dangerous B.strange C.important D.difficult 13.How did the man get most of his toys 三、阅读理解(共16小题.满分3 ... ...

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