
2023-2024学年广西玉林市玉州区八年级(上)期末英语试卷 (图片版 含答案 无听力音频及原文)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:74次 大小:1446189Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023年秋季期期末教育质量监测与评价题 八年级 英语 参考答案 1-5 FCABE 6-10 BCCBA 11-13 ABC 14-16 BAB 17-20 CABC 21-25 BACCA 26. February(不大写,不得分) 27.fifty / 50 28. ball 29. painting 30. best 31-35 BACCA 36-40 CACBA 41-45 CFEDB 46-50 BACBB 51-55 CABCA 56-60 FTTTF 61-65 BCABA 66-70 BACCA 71-75 ACBAB 76. astronaut 77. dangerous 78. bodies 79. first 80. without 81. into 82. when 83. out 84. real 85. ourselves One possible version: My New Year’s Resolutions As the saying goes, “Well begun is half of the success.” In order to make me a better person, I’m going to make my New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of 2024. First of all, I’m going to get lots of exercise. I will keep on running every morning. Then, I am going to eat healthier food. I will eat more fruit and vegetables. And I will eat less junk food. Next, I want to get good grades, too. I’m going to study harder than before. It’s also a good way to ask my teachers for help. Last but not least, I am going to learn to sing. I think this will also make my family happy because they love to listen to music and sing together. All in all, in 2024, I will try to do these things well and never give up. I hope my New Year’s resolutions make me a better person and make my life easier.

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