
【精品解析】外研版(三起点)小学英语五年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 同步练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:18次 大小:124692Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    外研版(三起点)小学英语五年级下册Module 6 Unit 2 同步练习 一、单选题 1.Where did you go for the holidays A.I had a lovely time there. B.I went to Harbin. C.It is very beautiful. 2.Can I _____ them A.saw B.see C.seeing 3.Xinjiang is _____ the west _____ China. A.in;for B.at;of C.in;of 4.Hainan is in the of China. A.south B.north C.west 5.Did you _____ with your mother and father A.go B.went C.going 二、单词拼写(词汇运用) 6. Last year, I went     Qingdao and     in the sea. 7. I finished my homework, and then I        with my friends. 8.He is taking     in the garden. (照片) 9.He     a horse in Xinjiang last year. (骑) 10.They     the mountains last month. (爬) 三、英汉互译 11.She had a lovely time there. 12.Do remember this word! 13.The mountains are really beautiful! 14.她喜欢骑马。 15.她去年七月去了那儿。 四、阅读理解 16.阅读判断。 Last summer I went to Qingdao. Qingdao is in the east of China. I went there with my mother and my grandma. The weather there was very hot. I swam in the sea every day. We ate lots of fish. We had a lovely time there. (1)I went to Qingdao with my parents. (2)The weather was cold in Qingdao last summer. (3)I swam in the sea every day. (4)I ate lots of fruit there. (5)I had a lovely time there. 五、书面表达 17.去年暑假你去哪里了呢?和谁去的呢?参观了哪些地方呢?玩得开心吗?请你向大家介绍一下吧。 要求:不少于50词。 答案解析部分 1.【答案】B 【知识点】疑问句 【解析】【分析】题目的问题是: 假期你去哪里了 A选项的意思是: 我在那里度过了美好的时光. B选项的意思是: 我去哈尔滨了. C选项的意思是: 它很漂亮. 根据问题, 回答用B选项. 故答案为: B. 【点评】这是考查问答的题目. 关键词是where"哪里". 2.【答案】B 【知识点】动词 【解析】【分析】句意: 我能......他们吗 句子中有情态动词can, 谓语动词用动词原形, A选项是过去式, B选项是动词原形,C选项是现在分词。故答案为: B. 【点评】这是考查动词适当形式的题目。要掌握动词和情态动词的搭配。 3.【答案】C 【知识点】介词 【解析】【分析】句子意思是: 新疆......中国......西部. 根据句意和选项提示, 这里是短语in the west of"在......的西部", 故答案为: C. 【点评】这是考查介词短语的题目. 要掌握短语in the west of"在......的西部". 4.【答案】A 【知识点】名词 【解析】【分析】考查地理位置。海南在中国的南部,所以选A。 【点评】考查名词词义。 5.【答案】A 【知识点】动词 【解析】【分析】Did是助动词,所以谓语动词要变原形,所以答案是A。 【点评】考查一般疑问句动词的形式。 6.【答案】to;swam 【知识点】单词拼写 【解析】【分析】句意:去年,我去青岛并且在海里游泳了。go to……去……,因此第一个空需要to,图片是游泳,swim,由时间词last year可知,该句子是一般过去时,动词需要过去式,swim-swam,故答案为to,swam。 【点评】本题考查单词的拼写,注意整体理解句子及动词过去式的识记。 7.【答案】played;basketball 【知识点】单词拼写 【解析】【分析】句意:我做完作业,然后跟朋友们打篮球了。根据图片可知他们打篮球,play basketball,打篮球,由动词finished可知,该句子是一般过去时,因此该句子也需要动词过去式,play-played,故答案为played,basketball。 【点评】考查单词拼写,注意整体理解句 ... ...

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