
Unit 1 How tall are you? Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-06-08 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:25324992Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 How tall are you PEP·六年级下册 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk Enjoy a video. It’s a dinosaur. What animal is it n. 恐龙 tall taller tallest The children are in the museum. What are they talking Listen and circle. 1.The first dinosaur eats ___. A. vegetables B. meat 2.The ____ dinosaur is taller. A. first B. second Let’s try Read and check. John: Look at that dinosaur. It's so big! Mike: Yes. That one eats vegetables. John: Cool! Zhang Peng: This one eats meat. It's taller. Mike: You are right. Which one is the second dinosaur tall taller The second dinosaur is taller than the first one. conj. 比 tall taller tallest Look and say The last one is the tallest dinosaur. What is it It is a hall in the museum. And it is the hall of dinosaurs. n. 大厅 Zhang Peng and Mike are talking about the dinosaurs. Watch and answer: How tall is Zhang Peng Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur Can you guess: How tall is it Guess: How tall is it Maybe it is ____ metres. It’s ____ than both of us together. Watch and fill in the blanks. n. 米 Guess: How tall is it Maybe it is ____ metres. It’s _____ than both of us together. 4 taller Check the answers. both = Zhang Peng + Mike both = A + B pron. 两个都 It’s taller than both of us together. Zhang Peng is taller. Check the answers. How tall is Zhang Peng Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur He's 1.65 metres. 1.65读作: one point six five Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur. Play a chain game Who is taller than me I’m taller than you. ... ... You’re the tallest one in our class. 雷龙 雷龙是个庞然大物,它的身体比六头大象还要重,它每踏下一步就发出一声轰响,好似雷鸣一般。 梁龙 梁龙的身体很长,从头到尾有二十多米,走起路来好似一架可移动的吊桥。 三角龙 三角龙的脸上有三只大角,一只长在鼻子上方,另外两只长在眼睛上方,每只角都有一米长———这样的脸形,让任何动物都望而生畏。 鱼龙 鱼龙很像今天的海豚,它能潜入水中寻找食物。 翼龙 翼龙身体两侧长着翅膀,展翅高飞时,如同一架在空中翱翔的轻型飞机。 霸王龙 霸王龙是非常凶猛的肉食恐龙。它大脑袋,短身子,牙齿就像锋利无比的匕首。 样子像海豚,能潜入水中寻找食物。 鱼 龙 雷 龙 霸王龙 比六头大象还重。 像蜥蜴,大脑袋,短身子,牙齿锋利。 翼 龙 梁 龙 三角龙 身体两侧长着翅膀,在天空中飞翔。 脖子像蛇,尾巴像鞭,走路像吊桥在移动。 脸上有三只大角,每只角都有一米长 不同恐龙特点 Unit 1 How tall are you How tall is it are you It is... metres. I'm... metres. I'm taller than this one. That's the tallest dinosaur in this hall. tall-taller-tallest dinosaur hall metre both than

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