
Unit 9 My favorite subject is science单元综合测试(含解析)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:72次 大小:78287Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版七年级上Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 综合测试题 一、阅读理解 A Everyone eats different food. Li Mei, Helen, Ben and Zhang Lin are my good friends. What do they have today Here are the results (结果). Name Breakfast Lunch Dinner Li Mei fruit rice, vegetables vegetable salad Helen bread, milk chicken, fruit rice, tomatoes Ben eggs, milk hamburgers meat, vegetables Zhang Lin noodles (面条) chicken, rice bread, ice-cream 1.What does Li Mei have for breakfast A.Noodles. B.Fruit. C.Rice. D.Vegetable salad. 2.Who has milk for breakfast A.Li Mei and Ben. B.Ben and Zhang Lin. C.Zhang Lin and Helen. D.Helen and Ben. 3._____ doesn’t have vegetables today. A.Li Mei B.Helen C.Ben D.Zhang Lin 4.What do Li Mei and Zhang Lin both have for lunch A.Rice. B.Chicken. C.Vegetables. D.Hamburgers. 5.Which of the following is NOT true A.Li Mei doesn’t have milk today. B.Helen eats tomatoes today. C.Ben eats rice today. D.Zhang Lin eats ice-cream today. B I am Remus Brown. Harry Watson is my good friend and we are in the same class. He is a popular tennis star in our school. We like to play tennis after school. He plays tennis well. He thinks tennis is an interesting sport. And Harry wants to be a great tennis star one day. He watches other(其他的) ball games like ping-pong, basketball and volleyball on TV, too. To keep(保持) healthy, Harry eats well. He always has an apple, an egg and some milk for breakfast. For lunch, he always eats rice, chicken, an egg and vegetables. Harry likes fruit and he always eats a banana after lunch. In the afternoon, he wants to eat some snacks(零食), but his coach(教练) Mike Brian doesn’t let him eat them. In the evening, Harry only eats some vegetables for dinner. He always eats carrots and tomatoes in the evening. 6.Tennis is _____ for Harry. A.interesting B.boring C.difficult D.bad 7.Harry eats _____ eggs a week. A.7 B.14 C.16 D.18 8.Who is Mike Brian A.Remus’s coach. B.Remus’s uncle. C.Harry’s coach. D.Harry’s uncle. 9.From the passage, we can know _____. A.Harry and Remus are classmates and cousins B.Harry likes to watch ball games on the computer C.Harry always has a banana for lunch D.Harry has some good eating habits 10.We can find the passage in the column(专栏) of “_____”. A.Healthy Food B.Sports Stars C.Interesting Games D.Great Books C This term, Xiao Yang has a new subject—geography, but he doesn’t like it. “It’s not useful at all,” he thinks. So he always plays games in class. Mr. Wang is his geography teacher. He is nice to the students in his class. One day, he finds Xiao Yang isn’t interested in his class. He comes to Xiao Yang’s desk and asks, “Hi, Xiao Yang. Where are you from ” “I’m from Sichuan, Mr. Wang.” “Oh, that’s a nice place! Can I ask you some questions ” “Sure.” “Why does E’mei have mountains (山) Where does the Jialing River start And why is it so hot in Chengdu from July to September ” “I’m sorry, Mr. Wang. I don ... ...

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