

日期:2024-09-19 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:70次 大小:46033Byte 来源:二一课件通
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语法选择 12篇 专练 2023-2024 学年 外研版 英语七年级上册 Hello! I’m Leo Green. I’m 1 English boy. I’m 2 Chongqing, China now. And I’m a student in a junior high school in Chongqing. I have a good friend here. His English name and Chinese name 3 David and Li Weikang. He is very nice to me. Please come with me and meet him. David is 12 years old. And he is in my school, too. David’s father, 4 Li, is our English teacher. David likes English very much and now he can speak English very well. He has a little sister. 5 name is Cindy. Cindy is three and her favorite color is pink. You can see 6 in her home. Her cup and schoolbag are both pink. Look! 7 pink pencil on the desk is hers. And two 8 are there, too. Cindy 9 English very much. She can say “Good morning!” and “Thank 10 !” now. I often play with David and Cindy. We are happy together (一起). 1.A.a B.an C.the 2.A.in B.on C.of 3.A.am B.is C.are 4.A.Mrs. B.Mr. C.Miss 5.A.She B.Hers C.Her 6.A.it B.it’s C.its 7.A.Those B.That C.These 8.A.photo’s B.photo C.photos 9.A.like B.likes C.to like 10.A.you B.your C.yours Hello, I’m e and meet my family. There is a nice photo of my family in my 11 room. Look! These are my parents, John and Helen. The boy with glasses is my brother, Peter. And this is me. My father is 37 and my mother is 12 , too. My parents teach English in a middle school. They work hard and their students always say, “You are good 13 !”. My brother and I go to 14 same school. We go to school 15 8:00 in the morning. And we love our school very much. Peter likes soccer. He says it’s 16 for him. After school, he often 17 it with his classmates. I like art and I love drawing pictures in my free time. Blue and purple 18 my favorite colors. 19 do my brother and I have lunch We usually have lunch at school. We like having lunch with our friends 20 it’s really interesting. 11.A.parents’ B.parents C.parent 12.A.thirty-six B.thirty-seven C.thirty-eight 13.A.sports stars B.teachers C.soccer players 14.A./ B.a C.the 15.A.in B.at C.on 16.A.difficult B.easy C.boring 17.A.plays B.takes C.has 18.A.is B.am C.are 19.A.What B.When C.Where 20.A.so B.because C.but I’m Frank. My school is big and nice, 21 I love going to school. All my classmates and teachers are nice. They teach us useful 22 . I learn eight subjects at school. My favorite subject is geography. It helps me 23 about lots of different places. I 24 like math or music. They are boring. I have a sister. Her 25 Maria. She is seven and she has long hair (头发) and big blue eyes. Everyone loves her. Laura is 26 of my good friends. She is my neighbor (邻居), too. Her house is next to 27 . I always walk to school with her. Jack is also my good friend. Jack is 28 interesting boy. He can tell funny stories. I am happy to be with him. I get up at 6:00 a.m 29 Monday to Friday. On weekends, I get up at 9:00 a.m. But this Sunday is my sister’s birthday. I must get up ... ...

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