
Module 1 Small Talk 模块精品备课

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:51次 大小:54939365Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Look at the words in the box and find the proper words to fill in the blank. argument compliment conversation curious disagreement dull genuine embarrassment factual hospitable sensitive secretive violate wealth She received many _____ on the design of her new dress. 2. If this offer is _____ I will gladly accept it. 3. They went to prison because they _____ the law. compliments genuine violated 4. Billionaires are usually fairly _____ about the exact amount that they are worth. 5. The _____ host had his spare room emptied very quickly for the honored guest. 6. She is _____ to what people think of her. secretive hospitable sensitive Work in pairs. Read the advice on small talk. Is it true for you You can ask about families, what people do and like, etc. Yes. 2. It’s OK to talk about religion and politics. No, it’s best to avoid these topics. 3. You shouldn’t talk about your feelings. No, it is acceptable to talk about your feelings. 4. Don’t ask personal questions. No, Americans will not usually mind being asked personal questions. 5. Make sure you don’t talk about the weather or give compliments. No, these topics are safe. 6. You can talk about people’s age and their income. No, you cannot talk about people’s age or how much money they earn. Decide which of the statements expresses the writer’s opinion. The writer thinks that_____. a. Americans often ask very personal questions. b. Asians are very different from Americans, and are sensitive to many topics of conversation. c. Americans are easy to make friends with, but they respect your private life. d. Americans don’t like to grow old, so it’s difficult to make friends with them. c Choose the correct answers. 1. When a dull person talks, you should ___. a. ask questions b. change the topic of conversation c. not ask personal questions d. listen d 2. It’s always OK to talk to Americans about _____. a. their work b. religion and politics c. age and money d. their private life a 3. When Americans make an invitation to visit, ____. a. they don’t really mean it b. they want to find out more about you c. they genuinely want to see you again d. you should accept it c 4. The best way to talk about personal things is to ____. a. talk about your own private life first b. talk about your job c. discuss the weather d. ask them how old they are a 5. It’s best to avoid ____. a. personal questions b. silence c. spies d. dull people b Complete the sentences in your own words. Conversation is less lively in the USA because everyone _____ _____. 2. Americans are happy to talk about family and personal interests, but _____ _____. listens and waits for a turn to speak it’s best to avoid sensitive topics like religion and politics. 3. If you show you’re aware of cultural differences, _____ _____ _____. 4. You shouldn’t ask how old people are because _____ _____ most Americans will not worry about answering your questions. Americans alw ... ...

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