
牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3 Welcome to our school 单词讲解

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:11次 大小:20586Byte 来源:二一课件通
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which 意思:哪一个 发音:[hw t ] 例句:Which book do you prefer, the red one or the blue one (你更喜欢哪本书,红色的还是蓝色的?) best 意思:最,最好地 (well的最高级) 发音:[best] 例句:She sings best in her class. (她在班里唱得最好。) so 意思:因此,所以 (作为连词);这么;非常 (作为副词) 发音:[s ] 例句:It's raining, so we have to stay at home. (下雨了,所以我们得待在家里。) 副词例句:The book is so interesting. (这本书非常有趣。) biology 意思:生物 发音:[ba l d i] 例句:I love studying biology. (我喜欢学习生物。) geography 意思:地理 发音:[d gr fi] 例句:Geography is one of my favorite subjects. (地理是我最喜欢的科目之一。) history 意思:历史 发音:/'h st ri/ 例句:I'm interested in learning about history. (我对学习历史感兴趣。) date 意思:日期 发音:[de t] 例句:What's the date today (今天是几号?) meeting 意思:会议;集会 发音:/'mi t / 例句:We have a meeting at 3 pm every day. (我们每天下午3点开会。) o'clock 意思:(表示整点)…点钟 发音:[ kl k] 例句:The train leaves at 7 o'clock sharp. (火车7点整准时发车。) OK 意思:好,对;不错 发音:[ ke ] 例句:OK, I'll do it right away. (好的,我马上去做。) Gate 意思:大门 发音:[ge t] 例句:The gate to the park is open now. (公园的大门现在开着。) show 意思:引,带,领 (作为动词) 发音:[ ] 例句:Can you show me around the campus (你能带我参观一下校园吗?) around 意思:到处,向各处 (作为副词) 发音:[ 'ra nd] 例句:She walked around the park for an hour. (她在公园里走了一个小时。) show sb around 意思:领某人参观 例句:I'll show you around my house. (我会带你参观我的房子。) front 意思:前面 发音:[fr nt] 例句:The school is in front of the library. (学校在图书馆前面。) in front of 意思:在…前面 例句:There's a tree in front of the house. (房子前面有一棵树。) building 意思:建筑物,房子,楼房 发音:/'b ld / 例句:The new building is very modern. (那座新建筑非常现代。) ground 意思:地,地面 发音:[gra nd] 例句:The ground is wet because it rained last night. (地面是湿的,因为昨晚下雨了。) ground floor 意思:〈英〉底层,一楼(在美式英语中通常称为first floor) 例句:The reception is located on the ground floor. (接待处位于一楼。) bright 意思:明亮的 发音:[bra t] 例句:The room is bright and airy. (这个房间明亮且通风。) modern 意思:现代的;新式的 发音:[ m d( )n] 例句:This house has a very modern design. (这所房子设计非常现代。) hall 意思:礼堂,大厅 发音:[h l] 例句:The concert will be held in the school hall. (音乐会将在学校礼堂举行。) diary 意思:日记 发音:['da ri] 例句:I write in my diary every day. (我每天写日记。) look at 意思:看一看 例句:Look at that beautiful painting! (看那幅美丽的画!) wall 意思:墙 发音:[w l] 例句:There's a painting on the wall. (墙上有幅画。) let me see 意思:让我想想 例句:Let me see, what was the question again (让我想想,问题是什么来着?) pardon 意思:(用于请求别人重复)什么,请再说一遍 发音:['pɑ dn] 例句:Pardon I didn't quite catch what you said. (什么?我没太听清你说的话。) phone 意思:(=telephone)电话 发音:[f n] 例句:Can I use your phone (我能用你的电话 ... ...

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