ID: 19081910


日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:37次 大小:731047B 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 35 Our village 我们的村庄 [词汇](14) ★photograph [ f t grɑ:f] n. 照片 = photo = picture eg. take a photograph = take a photo 照相 photographer [f t gr f (r)] n. 摄影师 ★village ['vilid ] n. 村庄 villager [ v l d (r)] n. 村民 ★valley ['v li] n. 山谷 ★between [b twi:n] prep. 在…之间(两者之间=2) ① 在两事物或两人之间 eg. I sit between Tom and Mary. 我坐在Tom和Mary中间。 ② 往返于两地之间 eg. I study Chinese between Shanghai and Hangzhou. 我往返于上海和杭州之间研究汉语。 ③ 介于两个数字之间 eg. The meal costs between $10 and $15. 这顿饭价位在10美元到15美元之间。 ④ 介于两个时间点之间 eg. I will meet you between 4:00 and 5:00. 我将会在4点到5点间见你。 among [ m ] prep. 在…之间 (三者及以上之间≧3) ★hill [h l] n. 小山 mountain [ ma nt n] n. 高山,山脉 mount [ma nt] n. 山峰 v. 登上 Paramount [ p r ma nt] adj.最高的,至上的 n. 元首,首长 (派拉蒙影业公司: Paramount Pictures) ★another [ 'n ] adj. 另一个 eg. Give me a book, give him another book. 给我一本书,给他另一本书。 eg. He has two daughters, one is a nurse, the other is a teacher. 他有二个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是老师。 ★wife [wa f] n. 妻子 复数形式:wives [wa vz] husband [ h zb nd] n. 丈夫 wolf [w lf] n. 狼 ★along [ 'l ] prep. 沿着 eg. We walk along the new road. 我们沿着新的路散步。 eg. There are trees along the river bank. 在河岸边有许多的树木。 ★bank [b k] n. 河岸,银行 eg. Riddle: Why is the river rich 河为什么富有? Because it has two banks. 因为它有两座银行。 ★water [ w :t (r)] n. 水(不可数名词) eg. water colour 水彩 water glass 高脚玻璃杯 water v. 浇水 eg. I must water the garden first. (一册L:125 Tea for two两人一起喝茶) ★swim [sw m] v. 游泳 eg. swimmer 游者 swimming pool 游泳池 swimming bath 室内游泳池 swimsuit 游泳衣 go swimming 去游泳 ★building [ b ld ] n. 大楼,建筑物 eg. office building 办公大楼 classroom building 教学大楼 = teaching building school building 校舍 build [b ld] v. 建造 eg. build a house 建造房屋 ★park [pɑ:k] n. 公园 v. 停车 eg. No parking. 禁止停车 ★into [ ntu] prep. 进入 ① 到某物或某处的内部/中间 eg. She fall into the river. 她掉进河里了。 Come into the room. 进房间去。 ② 固定用法: be into sth. eg. I am into the music. 我沉浸在音乐之中。 反义:out of 从…内部出来 从某处出来 eg. I take the cake out of the box. 我从盒子里把蛋糕拿出来。 表示不在…的内部 eg. Fish can not live out of water. 鱼离开水能活。 = Fish can not live without water. [课文] This is a photograph of our village. 这是我们村庄的一张照片。 This is…… 可用于介绍某人 This is my mather. of prep. …的(表示所属关系) eg. a photograph of my family 全家福 Our village is in a valley. 我们的村庄坐落在一个山谷中。 It is between two hills. 它位于两座小山之间。 The village is on a river. 村庄靠近一条河。 注意,本句中的on不表示“在…上”,而是“邻近”、“靠近”的意思,on a river 依山傍水。 Here is another photograph of the village. 这是我们村庄的另一张照片。 Here is = This is another另一个,表示不确定范围中的另一个。 eg. Give me another apple. 再给我一个苹果。 My wife and I are walkin ... ...

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