
仁爱科普版八年级上册Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 Section D 课件 (共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:70次 大小:1953121Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming. Section D The modern Olympics started in Athens, Greece in _____. Its motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. 1896 Review Talk about the Olympics The Olympic rings are a symbol of the Olympic Games. There are five rings, and they stand for the five parts of the world. Talk about the Olympics Review The colors of the rings are _____, yellow, _____, green and _____. You can find at least one of these colors in the _____ of each country in the world. blue black red flag Talk about the Olympics Review the mascots of the 2008 Beijing Olympics 吉祥物 Match the mascots with the host cities. Los Angeles 1984 Sydney 2000 Athens 2004 Beijing 2008 The Olympics is exciting. The school sports meet is also exciting. Read Kangkang’s diary and mark T (True) or F (False). Kangkang’s school held a sports meet last week. ( ) 2. Kangkang’s class was first in the boys’ relay race. ( ) 3. Yu Ting did well in the high jump. ( ) 4. Kangkang won the boys’ 400-meter race. ( ) 5. Kangkang wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. ( ) T T T F F Work alone Number the following sentences in the right order according to Kangkang’s diary . ( ) Kangkang won the boys’ 400-meter race. ( ) Yu Ting did well in the long jump. ( 1 ) Our school held a wonderful sports meet. ( ) Kangkang wants to be a soccer player when he grows up. ( ) Kangkang’s class was first in the boys’ relay race. 4 3 5 2 1 ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ held feel win run win win do take do be/am 在书上找出下列词组并划线 1.举办校运会 2.感到激动 3.获得第一名 4.擅长…… 5.在…..做得差 6.做得更好 7.参加 8.尽力 9.第一个冲过终点线 10.做更多的锻炼 11.有一天 12.能够 1.hold/have a sports meet 2.feel excited 3.win first place 4.be good at 5.do badly in 6.do better 7.take part in 8.do/try one’s bes 9.the first to cross the finish line 10.do more exercise 11.some day 12.be able to School Sports Meet Michael — the boys’ relay race Yu Ting — the long jump We — the high jump Kangkang — the boys’ 400-meter race, the Olympic Games Task Retell Kangkang’s diary according to the key words. Retell Task Write a passage with the help of the following questions. When did your school hold the sports meet Who took part in the sports meet in your class What did they do What did you do in the sports meet What can you learn from the sports meet 写一篇关于校运会的日记 请根据以下提示材料,写一篇不少于80词的日记。 1. 你们学校上周举办了运动会,每个人都很激动,因为你们班赢了; 2. 介绍你同学及你自己参加比赛的情况; 3. 你更爱运动了,并希望有一天能参加奥运会。 题型分析: 该作文为日记体裁,要注意格式。且时态主要为一般过去时,个别句子会用到一般现在时或一般将来时,要注意把握。 思路点拨: 1. 日记格式,要在第一行写明日期,天气; 2. 第一段可交代基本信息,运动会的举办,赢得了第一名; hold a sports meet; win first place; 3. 第二段可介绍一下你同学,你自己参加运动会的具体情况; run fast; do well in; cross the ... ...

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