
仁爱版 八年级上册 Unit 1 Playing Sports 3. The school sports meet is coming. Section B(共17张PPT,无素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:5264750Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Playing Sports Section B Listen to 1a and check what Kangkang and Michael are talking about. □what they should take for the sports meet □when they will meet □where they will meet □how they will go to school √ √ √ What to take When to meet Where to meet _____ _____ _____ sports clothes sports shoes a camera At 6:30 At Kangkang’s house Watch the flash, read 1a and complete the table. — — be in=be at home在家 _____ This is Michael speaking. 我就是 电话用语: Who’s that 你是谁? Is that…(speaking) 你是……吗? This is…(speaking) /speaking.我就是。 我们一起去吧。 _____ 让我们定在六点半吧。 那时见。/再见 make it+时间 约定时间 make it做成。I can make it=I can do it. _____ 运动衣 _____ 运动鞋 ——— ——— ——— We shall _____ _____ _____ I/We shall +动词原形+其它 表将来--一般将来时 Shall I/we+动词原形+其它? 用于提出帮助,征询对方意见或建议 From: To: Message: When: Place: Time: Meeting Place: Kangkang Michael Going to the school sports meet Tomorrow At Kangkang’s house 6:30 At school Practice: Take a message. Task: Pair Work According to the message, practice the dialog with your partner, and act it out. From: Tom To: Jane Message: Rowing When: Tomorrow morning Place: Beihai Park Time: 10:00 a.m. Meeting Place: At the school gate Task: Pair Work According to the message, practice the dialog with your partner, and act it out. From: Zhou Weilun To: Li Xiang Message: Going to the movies When: Sunday Place: Haidian Theater Time: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Place: At the theater theater n. 剧场,戏院 去看电影 Task: Pair Work According to the message, practice the dialog with your partner, and act it out. From: Steve To: Wang Junfeng Message: Going for a picnic When: Next Sunday Place: West Hill Time: 6:00 in the morning Meeting Place: At the bus stop 去野炊 Task: Pair Work According to the message, practice the dialog with your partner, and act it out. From: Jiang Yan To: Xiao Zixin Message: Climbing a mountain When: Next Sunday Place: Mount Tai Time: 6:00 a.m. Meeting Place: At the train station Task: Listening Listen to the passage and number the pictures. 2 A 3 4 2 1 Task: Listening Listen again and fill in the blanks 2 B Kangkang is trying his best to _____ _____ _____ them. _____ _____ _____ _____ are neck and neck. Two boys _____ _____ each other. Michael is running _____ them and _____ the line. catch up with All the four boys run into past crossing 追赶,赶上 碰到,撞上 冲刺过线 并驾齐驱 Read the words aloud, paying attention to the pronunciation of the underlined parts. / sp /-- / st / -- / sk /: sport station story school 3a / gr /-- / fr / -- / dr / -- / tr /: green fruit dress tree / fl /-- / pl / -- /kl/ -- / bl / -- / gl /: flag place climb blue glass The first consonant is quicker and lighter than the next one. Listen and read the sentences aloud, paying attention to the weak form. Then read after the tape and imitate. What shall we take to the school sports meet W ... ...

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