
Unit3 What would you like?强化阅读题(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:19次 大小:48766Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级英语上册 Unit3 强化阅读题 1 阅读理解,回答问题。 Dad: Dinner is ready! Sam: I’m hungry. I’d like some rice and fish. Dad: OK. What would you like to eat, Sarah Sarah: I’d like some water first. I’m thirsty. Dad: Here you are. What else Sarah: Some noodles, please. Mum: Oh, here is my favourite salad. 1. Who is hungry _____ 2. What would Sam like to eat _____ 3. Is Sarah thirsty _____ 4. What would Sarah like to eat _____ 5. What’s Mum’s favourite food _____ 阅读对话,回答问题。 Lily: Hello, Bob. What day is it today Bob: It's Monday. What time is it now Lily: It's 11:50. It's lunch time. What's your favourite food Bob: I like beef best. It's healthy. What about you Lily: I like fish. It's fresh. Do you like fruit Bob: Yes, bananas are my favourite fruit. Lily: I like apples best. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Bob: Oh, yes. Have an apple, please. Lily: Oh, thank you. 1. What day is it tomorrow _____ 2. What time is it now _____ 3. What's Bob's favourite food _____ 4. What's Lily's favourite fruit _____ 5. Is the beef healthy _____ 阅读理解,判断对错,用T或F表示。 Hello, my name is Mickey. I’m a student. I’m not short. I often play football, so I’m very healthy. For breakfast, I have some bread, an egg and orange juice. I have some rice, fish and and apple for lunch. I really love apples, because “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I often have soup, meat and vegetables for dinner. I like vegetables because they are fresh and tasty. They are good for our healthy. Look at me. How tall and strong I am now! ( )1. Mickey is short but strong. ( )2. Mickey has some bread, an egg and orange juice for breakfast. ( )3. Mickey doesn’t love apples. ( )4. Vegetables are good for healthy. ( )5. Mickey is tall and strong now. 四.阅读理解,判断对错,用T或F表示。 Hi, I' m Benny. Welcome to our school. Look! This is our canteen . Can you see the school menu on the wall Let me tell you our meals from Monday to Friday. On Mondays, we have fish and tomatoes. We have pork and cabbages on Tuesdays. What do we have on Wednesdays We have mutton and potatoes. Do we have mutton on Thursdays No, we have fish and tofu. What about Friday We have mutton, eggplant and green beans. I like Tuesdays because I can have pork on Tuesdays. I like it very much. ( )1. Benny has fish and potatoes on Mondays. ( )2. Benny has pork and cabbages and mutton on Tuesdays. ( )3. Benny has tofu and fish on Thursdays. ( )4. Benny likes pork very much. ( )5. Benny can have pork on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 五.阅读理解,选择正确的答案。 Waiter: Welcome! What would you like Amy: Chicken, rice and fruit salad. Chicken is my favourite food. And I’d like some fish, some beef and... Waiter: Sorry, that’s too much for you. Chicken, rice and fruit salad, that’s enough. We should save food. Amy: Oh, yeah. Thank you. Just some chicken, rice and fruit salad. Waiter: What would you like to drink Amy: Some orange juice, please. Waiter: Oh, we don’t have orange juice today. We h ... ...

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