
人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career单词词汇讲解课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:34次 大小:3513391Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Launching Your Career Unit 5 Some people know what they want to do from a young age, but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads. bounce vi. & vt.(使)弹起;上下晃动 n. 弹性;弹跳;活力 bounce around 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去 Translation 一些不切实际的想法一直在我的脑子里晃来晃去。 _____ Some impractical ideas kept bouncing around in my head. 我感到我的胸膛几乎无法承受我那狂跳的心。 I felt my chest could hardly hold my racing heart which was bouncing wildly. aptitude n. 天资;天赋 have an aptitude for sth/doing sth 有…的才能 take an aptitude test 参加能力倾向测验 Practice Edison had a remarkable aptitude _____ inventing new things. 态度 _____ 高度 _____ One of the most effective ways to get some insight on a possible career path is to complete a “career aptitude test”. for attitude altitude Getting a head start in considering your future career may help you for the rest of your life. head start 起步前的优势 A good education gives your child a head start in life. 良好的教育会使你的孩子赢在人生的起跑线 a good /better start in life良好的起步 assemble a chest of drawers assemble vt. 组装;装配 vi. & vt. 收集;聚集;集合 收集证据/数据 assemble evidence/data All the students were aksed to assemble in the hall. breast n.胸脯,胸膛 (2021续写)妈妈把双胞胎抱在胸前,亲了亲他们的头,“非常感谢,我喜欢这个礼物。” Mom pulled the twins against her breast and kissed them on their heads,“Thank you so much, I like this gift.” Wrist Kay紧紧抓住他的手腕。 Kay grasped him by the wrist. Help and advise people in serious debt debt n. 债务;欠款 还清债务 pay off a debt 欠债/不欠债 in debt / out of debt I’m in debt to the photograoher for all his assistance to me. 对于这名摄影师的种种帮助,我欠他一份人情。 be in debt to sb = be in sb’s debt 欠某人的人情债 【语境应用】完成句子。 1) They made a contract that they should _____ in a year. 他们签了合同,一年之内还清所有债务。 2) Don’t get the merchant to lend you money any more, because he himself is _____ too. 别再让那个商人借钱给你了,因为他自己也负债。 in debt pay off all their debts Categorise employee profiles categorise vt. 把……分类(加以归类) categorise ... as... 把...分类为 profile n. 简介;概述;侧面轮廓 vt. 扼要介绍;概述;写简介 a job/an employee profile 工作/雇员简介 keep a high/low profile 保持高调/低调 category n. 种类;类别 participant n.参与者 participate v.参加 (in) participation n.参加 (通知)学生会坚决要求每个参与者按时到达大厅。 The Student Union insists that every participant (should) arrive at the hall on time. During/In your absence, our class participated in an English oral competition, in which we came first. 在你不在的时候,我们班参加了英语口语比赛,我们获得了第一名。 orient vt. 使适应;确定方向 & adj. 东方的 the Orient 东方;亚洲 oriented adj.导向的;定向的;以…为方向的 orientation n.目标,定位;方向,朝向 detective n. 侦探;警探 (1)a detective novel (2)private detective (3)detect v.发现;查明;侦察出 (4)dete ... ...

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