
牛津译林版九年级上册英语 Unit 4 Growing up 高频易错题(含解析)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:17次 大小:79360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级上册英语Unit4高频易错题 姓名:_____ 班级:_____ 学号:_____ 易错题方向: 1.重要句型:as soon as 和 not ........until.......时间状语从句考察主将从现/主过从过时态规则 2.重要语法:when+doing / when+to do、although引导的让步状语从句 3.重要单词:through、process、matter、remain、against、record 4.重要短语:a great deal of、in one’s --ties、succeed in doing sth、take notice of、 try out for、lose heart、through hard work 易错题型: 1.单项选择-20题 2.单词拼写-8题 3.翻译句子-5题 4.阅读理解-5题 5.动词填空-10题 一)、单项选择 1.To the teacher's joy,the student made great_____this term.(  ) A. result B. preparation C. suggestion D. progress 2.--Would you like two strong black coffees --No, thanks. I _____ drink it. It hurts my stomach. A.almost B.hardly C.only D.exactly 3.--How can we realize our dream -- _____hard work. A.In B.Through C.From D.Across 4.—You’d better ask Mr Wang for help when_____problems. —I see,but I’m not sure when_____time. A. you have;having B. having;he has C.to have;he has D.to have;having 5.— Do you know the result of yesterday’s football game — Yeah, our team won again and there was _____excitement just before it ended. A. a large number of B. a great deal of C. very D. quite 6.To improve my English, I bought many English test papers, _____my brother's advice. A.listening to B.asking for C.looking forward to D. according to 7.一Mum,____shall we have lunch ———We will have it when your dad_____. A. when;returns B. where returns C.where;will return D.when;will return 8.一Hurry up.The bus is coming. ———Oh。no.We mustn't cross the street ____the traffic lights are green. A. after B since C while D.until 9. She will write to you as soon as she ____ to Guangzhou. A. got B. will get C. gets D. get 10. It is said, in the newspaper, ____ Britain is out of the EU(欧盟). A. that B. if C. whether D. what 11. .Bill thinks the job ____ more to him than anything else. A. cares B. proves C. admires D. matters 12.―What's up Something seems to drive you mad. ―Oh, on November 11, my wife spent _____ money shopping in TMALL. A.a number of B. the number of C. a great deal D. a great deal of 13. You can get to know Jin Yong's spirit _____ his books. A. through B. across C. with D. above 14. I never expected a man_____ could offer such a report with _____ information. A.in his twenties, a great deal of B. in his twenties, a number of C. in his twenty, a bit D. in his twenties, a few 15.—My dream is to build _____university on the moon some day. —It sounds like_____unusual dream.I wish you could realize it. A.a;a B.an;a C.a;an D.an;an 16.—Has Nate Robinson ever won the Slam Dunk Contest — Yes. He won it in 2006, 2009 and 2010,_____ he is as short as 1.75 meters. A. as B. since C. however D. although 17.—You look worried._____—My grandpa is ill in hospital. A. What’s up B. Are you OK ... ...

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