
Unit 1 What are you doing? 表格式教案(共4课时)

日期:2024-05-12 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:32次 大小:31602Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学内容 第一课时 1.核心语言:--What are you doing --I’m practicing my English. (practicing my English, drawing a picture, chatting with my friends, doing crafts) 2.功能句型: 询问并回答正在做什么 (第一、二人称单数) 课型 □新授课 □练习课 □训练课 □作业课 □ 全册备课人 单元备课人 复备人 教学目标 1、能够听懂并朗读Listen and say 中的对话内容;能运用“What are you doing I’m ….”的交际用语询问对方或回答自己正在做的事情。 2、能听懂、会说、认读practicing my English, chatting with my friends, drawing a picture, doing crafts等动词短语,并能在实际情景中运用。 教学重点 能够听懂他人询问语句,并正确表达自己在做什么。 教学难点 能够正确描述他人正在做什么事。 教 学 过 程 (一)Warming up 活动一:口语交际练习 活动目标:将口语交际活动日常化,在真实的情境中和学生就真实生活进行口语交际活动,提高学生表达能力。 实施方法和师生语言: T: How are you How’s the weather today How’s your winter vacation 设计意图:营造轻松愉悦的环境,将学生尽快带入了英语学习环境。 . (二)Presentation 活动一:整体输入,掌握大意 活动目标:通过反复读对话,培养学生语感,提升听力能力,让学生纠正语音语调,巩固本课所学对话内容。 实施方法和师生语言: 1.观察主题图,了解情景。 T:Let’s watch the picture, What do you know from the picture S : I know Mike is playing basketball. Guoguo’s reading an English book. 2.Listen and answer: What are they talking about 3.Listen and number the pictures. 设计意图:在学习课文之前,教师介绍课文背景,有助于学生了解语言使用的情境,在生活中恰当运用语言。 活动二:Let’s learn! 活动目标:深入处理,学习细节,帮助学生整体理解课文。 实施方法和师生语言: 1、学习第一段对话。 Listen and answer T: What is Guoguo doing S: She is practicing English. (practice) T: Look at the picture, can you tell me what is Mike doing S: He is practicing basketball. T: How does Guoguo practice English S: She is reading aloud. T: Why does Guoguo read aloud S: Because Reading aloud is fun and important. 2、学习第二段对话 T: Who is over there S: Linlging is over there T: Look at the picture, can you tell me what is Lingling doing S: She is listening to the tape. T: can you guess what is she listening S: Maybe she is listening to music. Maybe she is listening to English. Maybe she is listening to stories. T: OK, Let’s listen. tell me what is she doing. ( Play the dialogue) S: She is listening to English songs. T: How’s Lingling’s English S: She speaks English very well. T: Can you guess why does Lingling speak English very well S: Because she practices English every day. T: How’s Mike’s Chinese Can you guess. S: Mike can’t speak Chinese very well. T: How do you know that S: Mike said: I wish I could speak Chinese very well. So maybe he can’t speak Chinese very well. T: How can we improve our English S: We should listen more English songs, we should read aloud, we should practice more. 设计意图:通过这个活动,能够达到师生活动,生生互动,深入学习课文,帮助学生在情景中掌握本课交际功能句型。 活动二:学习单词和句式 活动目标: 通过情景替换等形式体会单词在句子中的应用。 实施方法和师生语言: 1. ... ...

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