

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:81次 大小:414814Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年英语中考专题复习十三———复合句 命题点1 宾语从句 ( )1.(2023成都)- Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival is this year -Sorry, I don't know the exact date. A.how B. why C. when ( )2.(2023牡丹江)—Alice,I wonder you won the tug-of-war (拔河比赛) yesterday. -Yeah! We pulled together and made it in the end. A.what B. where C. whether ( )3.(2023荆州)-Could you tell us we can start a conversation with a foreigner -Talking about weather is a common way. A.when B. why C. where D. how ( )4.(2023广西)-Excuse me, could you tell me -At 7 o'clock in the evening. A. when the concert will start B. where we can buy concert tickets C. who will sing songs at the concert ( )5.(2023 福建)-Would you please tell me -By keeping a diary every day. A. why you want to study English B. who you often speak English with C. how you improve your English writing ( )6.(2023鄂州)-Could you tell me get something to eat -Sure. There's a restaurant down the street. A. what I can B. what can I C. where can I D. where I can ( )7.(2023怀化)-Jenny, do you know -She is from Canada. A. where is the woman in red from B. where the woman in red is from C. what the woman in red likes ( )8.(2023齐齐哈尔)-Excuse me, could you tell me -You can take the No. 28 bus there. It's about 20 minutes' ride. A. how far Huaxing Middle School is B. how can I get to Huaxing Middle School C. how long it took to get to Huaxing Middle School ( )9.(2023天津)—Do you remember -Sure. On the evening of May Day. A. how we got to the Jiefang Bridge B. how did we get to the Jiefang Bridge C. when the Jiefang Bridge opened itself D. when did the Jiefang Bridge open itself ( )10.(2023新疆)-Do you know -It was introduced through the Silk Road. A. why pepper was planted in China B. what pepper was used for in China C. when pepper was discovered in China D. how pepper was introduced to China ( )11.(2023扬州)—I'm wondering at a low price. -You can book one through our official APP. A. how I can buy the air ticket B. how can I buy the air ticket C. when I can buy the air ticket D. when can I buy the air ticket ( )12.(2023连云港)-Sarah, do you know -It's on April 23. A. what is World Book Day B. what World Book Day is C. when is World Book Day D. when World Book Day is ( )13.(2023滨州)-Many students did well in this exam. I wonder . -Through their own efforts. A. why did they get a success B. what they learned from it C. whether they tried their best D. how they made it finally ( )14. (2023荆州)-What did the shopkeeper say to you -She asked me . A. when did the shop close B. if I preferred that T-shirt C. what else I will buy D. where did I see the style ( )15. (2023十堰)-I want to know . -Friendly and honest people. A. when you will meet your friends B. how you make your friends happy C. where you spend weekends with friends D. what kind of people you want to make friends with ( )16.(2023武汉)This famous saying “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers” tells ... ...

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