
Module 10 On the radio基础知识过关测(无答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:69次 大小:20749Byte 来源:二一课件通
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外研版八年级下册Module 10基础知识过关测 Module 10 On the radio. Words n.导演;主管;经理 2.n.主持人 3.v.引领;带领 4.v./n.采访;访谈;采访 5.adv.到处;向各处 6.v.看来;似乎 7.n.意图;目的 8.n.听众;听者 9.adj.国际的;世界的 10.n.亲自;本人_ 11.v.避免;防止 12.adj.兼职的 13.n.背景;后景 14.n.文章;报道 15.adj.国家的;国内的 16.n.录音室;录制室 Phrases 17.带某人参观;给某人做向导 18.(广播或电视)播出 19.采访某人 20.保持安静 21.打开 22.赢得比赛 23.亲自 24.对......满意 25.关上,关闭 26.获得一等奖 27.一直做某事 语法专练 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.Feng Xiaogang is one of the most famous d in China. 2.October 1st is our N Day. 3.As a reporter, I often i some famous people. 4.The poor countries in Africa need more i help. 5.Could you speak louder,please There is lots of b noise. I can't hear you clearly. 6.If you are free, you can do some p jobs. 7.It s to rain, because there are dark clouds in the sky. 8.There are many interesting a in today's newspaper. 9.Our p is to solve all the problems. 10.The l of the radio can phone in to ask Tina to play their favourite songs. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Thanks for (give) me some advice. 2.--What does your sister do --She is a city radio _ (present). 3.To be healthy, you should keep (take) exercise every day. 4.You must avoid (be) late for school again. 5. --What's the of the word “smart" --It “clever”.(mean) 三、单项选择 1.He left school and began work twelve. A.at the age of B.at the beginning of C.at the top of D.at the bottom of 2.It _____that she has been ill for a long time. She looks very weak. A.looks B.seems C.sounds D.says 3.--Who looked after your sick grandmother in the hospital --My father did that .He didn't want anybody else's help. A.in fact B.in person C.in total D.in disagreement 4.I was very angry because he wasn't polite at all. He knocked the old man down purpose. A.in B.on C.at D.with 5. I grew older, my interest in collecting stamps grew. A.When B.While C.Since D.As 6.Peter will _____ you the building and you can meet everyone. A.lend; to B.show; around C.compare; with D.brush; off 7.Could you speak louder,please A.a bit of B.a little of C.a little bit D.a few 8.In some parts of London, missing a bus means for another hour. A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.to be waiting 9.I am so excited, because I will have an interview ____ Robert Downey Jr. A. with B.after C.in D.at 10. --Why did he get up so early to work --In order to _____the heavy traffic in the city. A.avoid B. stop C.cancel D.solve 11.--I really want to watch Operation Red Sea(《红海行动》).Could you tell me --Sure. It'll be on show at Town Cinema. A.when will it be on show B.when it will be on show C.where will it be on show D.where it will be on show 12.We were all disappointed at . A.what does the boy say B.what the boy says C.what the boy said D.what did the boy say 13. --Judy, could you tell me the schoolbag --Oh, yes. I bought it in a store on the Internet. A.where did you buy B.where will you buy C.where you bought D.where you will ... ...

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