
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section A (1a~2d) 学案

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:63次 大小:25116Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Section A (1a~2d) 【学习目标】 1.能背诵本课时的单词、短语以及基本句型。 2.通过听说,学会用used to这一语言结构,描述过去的情况。 3.学会关注自己和身边人的变化,体会成长,懂得感恩。 【预习导学】 一、生词速查(根据中文写出英语单词) 1.不说话的 2.得分 3.友好的 4.勇敢的 5.幽默的 6.外向的 二、短语速记(写出下列短语的英文) 1.过去常常做某事 2.害怕 3.留卷发 4.在过去 5.取得好成绩 6.时常;有时 【答案】 一、 1.silent 2.score 3.friendly 4.brave 5.humorous 6.outgoing 二、 1.used to do sth. 2.be afraid of 3.have curly hair 4.in the past 5.get good grades 6.from time to time 【合作探究】 任务驱动一 成长蜕变 1.比一比,说一说。   I am tall now. I used to be short. I have long curly hair now. I used to have short straight hair. I am outgoing now. I used to be shy. I ...now. I used to...   ◎学法指导:观察对比,将描写人物外貌和性格的表达迁移到新知识点“used to”上,就可以描述人物过去的外貌和性格了。 2.填表格,分组用“I/He used to be...”句式交流,说出尽可能多的描述外貌和性格的词。 Appearance Personality                                                                                 ... ... 任务驱动二 听力训练 1.听课本1b的录音,小组对话回忆童年时的自己。   例如: A:Did you use to be short B:Yes, I did. I used to be really short... 2.听课本2a、2b的录音,完成下面表格。 In the past Now 1.Paula used to be really    . She was always silent in class. She wasn't very    . She was never brave enough to ask questions. 2.She got good grades in    . She was also good in    . She used to play the    . 1.Now she's more interested in    . She plays     almost every day. She's also on a     team. 2.She still plays the     from time to time.   3.说说从前的同桌。 以课本2a、2b的信息及听力原文为参考,和现在同桌说说从前的同桌。先两两练习,再自愿展示。例如: A:Peter was my deskmate. He used to be very outgoing. B:I know. He was... 任务驱动三 读对话, 演小品   1.默读2d中的对话,回答下面的问题。 (1)Where are the speakers (2)What's the relationship between Alfred and Gina (3)What are they talking about 2.填表格,梳理有关Billy的变化。 What was Billy like in the past What is Billy like now 1. 2.He used to be thin. 3. 1.He is popular. 2. 3.He doesn't wear glasses.   3.大声朗读2d中的对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。   ◎学法指导:used to意为“过去常常”,可看作情态动词,其后接动词原形,表示过去习惯性或经常发生的动作或状态。 【答案】 任务驱动一  tall outgoing straight hair funny short friendly short hair silent medium build active 任务驱动二 quiet outgoing science music piano sports soccer swim piano 任务驱动三  1)At the party. 2)Classmates. / Primary school classmates. 3)How people have changed. 2.He used to be shy and quiet. He is big and strong He used to wear glasses. 【知识超市】 [命题点一] This party is such a great idea! 这次聚会真是一个好主意!   ◎观察思考: 1.He's such a man.他就是这么一个人。 2.One such table is enough.这样的桌子,有一张就够了。 ◎用法总结:such作形容词,意 ... ...

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