
Unit 3 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit教学详案--牛津译林版中学英语八年级下

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:39次 大小:1453730Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Online tours Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 设计说明 首先通过观看一组电脑零部件的图片导入新课,并学习一些有关电脑主要部件的单词。根据所学的词汇来谈论电脑的用途,继而编成对话。最后学习Comic strip的对话,讲解本课节的知识点,然后用一些练习来巩固所学知识。 教学目标 通过本课节的教学,让学生达成以下目标: 1.知识目标 掌握词汇:programme, keyboard, unit, main unit, mouse, screen, receive, look like, search for information, send and receive emails 2.能力目标 (1)了解并掌握电脑主要部件的英文名称; (2)能用英语谈论电脑的基本用途。 3.情感目标 通过了解电脑主要部件的英文名称和基本用途,激发学生热爱学习的情感。 重点难点 1.重点:了解并掌握电脑主要部件的英文名称。 2.难点:能用英语谈论电脑的基本用途。 教学准备 PPT 课件;相关图片;Part B听力。 授课时数 1课时 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Teach new words. Show some pictures and ask: How well do you know a computer screen n. 屏幕 keyboard n. 键盘 mouse n. 鼠标 main unit n.(电脑)主机 programme n. 节目,计划,方案 channel n. 频道 remote control n. 遥控器 2. Read and remember the new words. New words: screen, keyboard, mouse (pl. mice或mouses),main unit, programme, channel, remote control Step 2 Presentation 1. Learning about computers Part A Annie, Simon’s cousin, wants to learn about the different parts of a computer. Look at the picture below and help her write the correct answers in the boxes. Check the answers with students. keyboard main unit mouse screen Answers: 1. screen 2. main unit 3. keyboard 4. mouse 2. Think and speak. (1) Ask: What do you usually use your computer for Present some pictures of different uses of computers. chat with friends play games send and receive emails do word processing search for information watch videos (2) What other things can we use computers for draw and design write computer programs make flash… Step 3 Part B 1. Listen and answer (1) What does Simon usually use the computer for (2) How often does Simon use it Answers: (1) He usually uses it to search for information. (2) He uses his computer almost every day. 2. Read and think A: What do you usually use your computer for B: I usually use it to… A: Why B: Because … A: How often do you use it to do so B: I use my computer to…every day. Work in pairs. Make a dialogue by themselves. Use the dialogue above as a model. Then choose some pairs to present their dialogues. Step 4 Discussion 1. Let’s discuss! What should we know about using computers Give students 2 minutes to discuss the topic. Then choose some students to share their ideas about the usage of computers. 2. Give a summary about the usage of computers. We must know computers may… (1) do harm to our eyesight. (2) be harmful to our health. (3) cause us to make bad friends. (4) cost much money. (5) make us give up our study. (6) make us lose interest in other things. 3. Teachers’ advice on computers: (1) Don’t be crazy about computer games! (2) Don’t trust strangers online or tell them your personal information! (3) Be sure to do more exercise and ... ...

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