
教学课件 --冀教版中学英语七年级(下) UNIT2 Lesson9

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:91次 大小:3880083Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson 9: Danny's School Project UNIT 2 It’s Show Time! 学 习 目 标 掌握单词: describe, build, ago,army, important, tool, more 接触单词:clay, soldier, desert 短语和句型:try one's best, well done, make...from..., a little bit, look like People built them a long time ago. 1 3 更加了解祖国的动物资源和名胜古迹,增强民族自豪感,培养爱国主义精神。 能够以口头报告的形式介绍某位名人的生平。 2 They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi’an. These things are very old. People built them a long time ago. They look like an ancient army. Look and Say Lead in 课 堂 导 入 It’s a camel. It’s big and tall. It’s an important tool on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert. Look and Say —Can you describe him —Yes, I can. The man was tall and handsome. describe /d skra b/v. 描写;描述 New Words eg. For my project, I will describe some places and things from China. 课 堂 学 习 build /b ld/v. ( built / built) 修建;建造 They are building a hospital. Developers are now proposing to build a hotel on the site. army / ɑ mi/ n. 军队 They look like an ancient army. After returning from France, he joined the army. Her husband is in the army . This kind of animal lives in the desert. desert / dez t /n. 沙漠 important / m p t nt/ adj. 重要的 It's important to learn English well. tool /tu l/ n. 工具;用具 Camel is an important tool on the Silk Road. more /m / adj. & pron. 更多,较多 Can you tell us a little bit more about silk Match the words with the correct meanings. army ancient soft describe ago very very old to explain something a group of soldiers some time before not hard Language use Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct pictures to answer the questions. √ √ √ Listen 1. A: Look! Is Danny riding a horse B: No, he is riding a camel. Q: What animal is Danny riding A: Look at Wang Mei’s scarf. It’s soft and colourful. B: It’s a silk scarf, I think. Q: What is Wang Mei wearing 3. A: I went on a trip to Xi’an last summer. B: What did you see in Xi’an A: The Terra Cotta Warriors. Q: What place of interest did the boy visit last summer 听力材料 Read and translate Read the lesson and translate the phrases. try one’s best _____ a long time ago_____ look like_____ in the desert_____ well done_____ a little bit_____ make…from_____ 很久以前 尽力 看起来像 在沙漠里 做得好 一点儿,少许 用……制作 Rewrite these sentences in the simple present tense. Are the verbs regular (R) or irregular (IR) Circle the correct one. 3 1. They looked at the picture.→ 2. Army rode a horse.→ 3. They built a bridge over the river.→ They look at the picture. Army rides a horse. They build a bridge over the river. (R) (IR) (R) (IR) (R) (IR) Practice 4. We lived in the desert.→ 5. The new TV came in a big box.→ We live in the desert. The new TV comes in a big box. (R) (IR) (R) (IR) Example: It is an animal. It’s big and tall. It’s an important tool on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert. What it is One student tries ... ...

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