
Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit教学课件-译林牛津版初中英语七年级(下)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:12次 大小:26514484Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Unit 8 Pets 学 习 目 标 3 培养学生能够描述宠物的名称及其典型特点。 能认知几种宠物的名称及其典型特征; 能了解这些动物的基本习性。 2 1 掌握本课节新单词:pet, mouse, knee, hold, feed, teach。 课 堂 导 入 Do you like animals? What animals do you know? What’s your favourite animal Why do you like… Because… 课 堂 学 习 Ants can smell things well. Its ears are like open fans. Birds can make beautiful sounds and even speak. There are only seven bones in its long neck. the king of the animal world dangerous jump around and make people laugh clever and funny like eating bamboo and lying down all day long lovely sleep with their eyes open amazing rabbit T:What is it S: It is a rabbit. T:Do you like it S:Yes,I like it very much. T:Why do you like it S:Because it is lovely.It has two long ears.It often jumps and runs here and there.I can feed it carrots when it is hungry.That will be interesting. parrot goldfish mouse pl. mice pl. goldfish parrot rabbit dog mouse cat goldfish Part A Guess: What are they Let’s play a guessing game! There are many other lovely animals in the world. We can raise them as pets. It lives in the holes (洞穴) and it loves rice(大米) . It likes moving around at night . It’s also dangerous because it may cause disease(疾病) . Guess what kind of animal it is ! mouse mice She is holding a mouse in her hand . How small the mouse is ! What a soft mouse it is ! It always sleeps in the daytime . Its duty is to catch mice. It miaows when it feels hungry . Guess what kind of animal it is ! cat It is sleeping on her knee. He likes running after the ball. His favourite food is bones(骨头). When he sees somebody strange , he will bark . Guess what kind of animal it is ! dog She is playing with her dog in the park . She is walking her dog in the park . She is taking her dog for a walk in the park . It looks lovely and cute . It likes eating carrots . Its eyes are red . It has long ears . Guess what kind of animal it is ! rabbit The rabbit is eating a carrot . A man is feeding the rabbit a carrot. The girl is feeding a horse some food . It can’t live without water . It looks beautiful and colorful . People usually keep it in a tank made of glass . Guess what kind of animal it is ! goldfish The cat is watching the goldfish swim around . She is feeding the goldfish something to eat . It ‘s a kind of bird with colorful feathers . People usually keep it in a cage (笼子). It can repeat simple words or sing songs . Guess what kind of animal it is ! parrot He is teaching the parrot to speak . Maybe the parrot is singing a beautiful song . It’s so cute that most Chinese people like it . It likes eating bamboo shoots (竹笋). It’s also the symbol (象征) of China . Guess what kind of animal it is ! panda It is one of the cleverest animals in the world . It likes to eat bananas . It likes to live in the forests . Guess what kind of animal i ... ...

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