
教学详案 --人教版中学英语七年级(下)UNIT 7 Period 3 (Section B 1a-1e)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:61次 大小:176846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Period 3 (Section B 1a-1e) 设计说明   本节课主要练习听说能力和巩固本单元所学语言项目,强调学生在课堂中的主体地位,注重对信息的处理,如对本地天气情况的认识和对图表信息的处理;在匹配单词、填表格等课堂活动中,让不同层次的学生都有表现的机会,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣;使用图片、多媒体辅助教学,可以增加课堂容量,给学生更多的练习机会,鼓励大家发挥想象力,开拓思维,大胆创新。 教学目标   1. 知识目标:   (1)掌握单词:dry,cold,hot,warm。   (2)掌握句型:  ———How’s it going with you —Not bad.  ———How’s the weather in... —It’s...  ———What are you doing —I’m having a party.   2. 能力目标:   (1)能用所学的知识描述天气情况。   (2)能描述正在进行的动作。   3. 情感目标:   善于与人沟通,根据天气情况合理安排自己的假期生活。 重点难点   1. 重点:   描述天气的形容词。   2. 难点:   how和what引导的特殊疑问句。 教学准备   多媒体课件,1c/1d的音频文件。 教学过程   Step 1 Warming up & Free talk   1. Ask and answer about the weather.   2. Ask and answer questions about what sb. is doing.   For example:   T:How’s the weather   S1:It’s sunny.   T:What are you doing   S2:I’m reading a book.   Step 2 Presentation   1. Show some pictures to the students. What seasons are they How is the weather        (spring)warm (summer)hot        (autumn)cool (winter)cold   e. g.   T:What season is it in picture 1   Ss:It’s spring.   T:How’s the weather   Ss:It’s warm.   (Teach the other new words in the same way.)   2. Read the new words.   3. Write the Chinese meanings of the following words.   (1)spring 春天 (2)summer 夏天 (3)autumn 秋天   (4)winter 冬天 (5)warm 温暖的 (6)hot 热的   (7)cool 凉爽的 (8)cold 寒冷的 (9)dry 干燥的   Step 3 Practice   1. Read the words in the box in 1a. Then look at the pictures. Match the words with the pictures.   2. Check the answers.   Answers:1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c   3. Describe the weather in the pictures after the model.   Model:The weather is cold in picture a.   4. Look at the pictures in 1a. Ask and answer questions about the weather in the pictures like that in 1b.   5. Now work in pairs. Ask some pairs to ask and answer the questions.   Step 4 Listening   1. Work on 1c.   (1)Revise “How’s it going ”and its answers“Pretty good. /Great. /Not bad. /Terrible./...”.   (2)Play the recording for the students to listen and write what Mary and Eric answer to How’s it going.   Play the recording twice. The first time the students only listen. For the second time the students listen and write down the answers.   Answers:Mary:not bad Eric:great   2. Work on 1d.   (1)Listen again. Write the answers to What are you doing and How’s the weather.   Play the recording twice. The first time the students only listen. For the second time the students listen and write down the answers.   (2)Check the answers.   Answers:Mary:I’m visiting my grandmo ... ...

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