
【新课标优课】Unit 1 My school B Read and write 课件+素材(共31张PPT)

日期:2024-06-06 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:97次 大小:84394462Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 My school B Read and write 人教PEP 四年级下册 Sharp eyes Sharp eyes Computer Room Gym Classroom 2 Music Room Look and say The _____ is on the first/second floor. Look and say What's else in the school Computer room Classroom 2 Gym ② Music room Do you have a library Yes. The library is on the second floor. Where is the teachers’ office The teachers’ office is next to the library. Do you have an art room Yes. The art room is next to the gym. Where is Classroom 1 Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. Circle the places and underline the location. Let’s fill Computer room ② Classroom 2 Gym Music room 1 Do you have a library? Yes. The library is on the second floor. Library Let’s fill Computer room ② Classroom 2 Gym Music room Library 2 Do you have an art room? Yes. The art room is next to the gym. Art room Art room Let’s fill Computer room ② Classroom 2 Gym Music room Library Art room Art room 3 Where is the teachers’ office The teachers’ office is next to the library. Teachers’ office Let’s fill Computer room ② Classroom 2 Gym Music room Library Art room Art room Teachers’ office Where is the classroom 1 Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. 4 Teachers’ office Library Classroom1 Look and say Computer room Classroom 2 Gym ② Music room Library Teachers’ office Art room Classroom1 The_____is on/under/next to the____. Listen and imitate Where is the classroom 1 Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. 1 2 3 4 Where is the teachers’ office The teachers’ office is next to the library. Do you have a library? Yes. The library is on the second floor. Do you have an art room? Yes. The art room is next to the gym. Do you have a library? Yes. The library is on the second floor. Where is the teachers’ office The teachers’ office is next to the library. Do you have an art room? Yes. The art room is next to the gym. Where is the classroom 1 Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. Read in groups Where is the classroom 1 Classroom 1 is under the teachers’ office. 1 2 3 4 Where is the teachers’ office The teachers’ office is next to the library. Do you have a library? Yes. The library is on the second floor. Do you have an art room? Yes. The art room is next to the gym. Look and write 1 . 英语句子开头的第一个字母要大写。 2. 注意句子中单词与单词之间要保持一定的距离,约为一两个字 母的宽度,千万不能都混写在一起。 3. 注意字母的书写格式。 4. 注意标点。英语中的标点符号与汉语标点符号基本相同,只有 句号、省略号不一样。英语的句号不是“。”,而是实心“.”; 省略号不是“......”,而是“... ” Good to know Writing tips this指代的是近处的物品, that指代的是远处的物品。 Let's find Let's write Write about your school. _____ _____ _____ Look and predict Is this/that... Where is the... Do you have a... Listen and number. 1 3 4 2 1. Girl: That’s my classroom. Boy: How many students are there in your class Girl: Forty. 2. Boy: Excuse me. Where’s the computer room ... ...

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