
外研版(三年级起 刘兆义主编)小学英语五年级下册Starter unit 教案(2个课时)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:62次 大小:30729Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com (五)年级(下)册英语学科集体备课共案 备课时间 2015.3.2 主 备 人 主 备 人所在单位 复备时间 2015.3.8 授课教师 授课教师所在单位 课 题 Starter Unit Part1&2 课 型 Song 课时分配 上课时间 3.10 项 目 内 容 教学目标 知 识能 力 1. Listen and read the words:Alphabet, enjoy, fun, until2.Listen, read and d othe action phrases: touch your nose, enjoy your time, rock until the English lesson ends, clap your hands, shake your head, shake hands, turn around3. Listen and sing the song. 过 程方 法 通过听读、听做,听音标序号,听唱等活动形式,学习新知,巩固所学。 情 感态 度价值观 1.继续保持浓厚的学习兴趣。2.积累听力技巧,学会用英语获取相关信息。 教学重点 1.Words: Alphabet, en joy, fun, until2.The action phrases: touch your nose, enjoy your time, rock until the English lesson ends, clap your hands, shake your head, shake hands, turn around 教学难点 Sing the song freely. 教学、教具(课件)准备 Phrases cards, tape-recorder 教 学 流 程 教学环节 教 师 活 动 预 设 学 生 活 动 Step I . Warming up1) Greetings2) Talk about their w inter holiday: Welcome back! Do you have a nice holiday What do you do Step II. Presentation1) CAI show t he letters—Aa, Bb, Cc... and the word--alphabet, read and learn. Then show some pictures in class, ask, “ Today is a lovely day. Look! What are you doing ” Help to answer, “ learn English lesson, enjoy your time in class, rock until the English lesson ends ”.Then read more with the pupils.2) Ask the pupils t o listen the song and find some actions: touch... shake...3) Listen again, ask the pupils to point out the actions then read and do.Step III. Practice1) Ask the pupils to listen and point the sentences in Part 1b.2) Listen and number with the pupils..3) Listen and mim e the actions with the pupils. Then ask the pupils to say and do in pairs.Step IV. ConsolidationShow more Exx.连线: Touch your hair 握手Shake hands 拍手Sing and dance 享受时光Turn around 摸头发Shout A, B and C 跳舞唱歌Clap your hands 喊ABCEnjoy your time 转身选词填空1. ____ can be lots of fun. A. Learn B. Learning 2. Enjoy your time ____class. A. on B. at C. in 3. She is _____. A. sing B. singing C. dance 4. Let’s rock _____ his clever friends. A. with B. andStep V. Sum-upI hope you can go on to enjoy your English time this term.Homework1) Listen and sing after the tape.2) Talk about their winter holiday.3) Write the actions more. Greetings.Say freely:I do homework/ play computer games / watch TV / read books…Look and answer, then read more.Listen to the song and find the actions.Listen ,point and read.Listen, point and do.Listen and point.Listen and number.Listen and mime.Work in pairs.Do Exx. 板书设计 Starter Unit Part1touch your noseenjoy your timerock until the English lesson endsclap your handsshake your headshake handsturn around 教学反思 本课以歌曲为载体,很能吸引 学生的眼球,用活泼生动的形式和学生复习了字母和动作,并在此基础上引入了新词语。因为是第一课,我便和学生从寒假谈起,在轻松的free talk中进入学习,进而 ... ...

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