
Unit 3 What would you like?强化练习题(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:22次 大小:20845Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级英语上册 Unit3 强化练习题 用单词的正确形式填空。 Would you like _____ (drink) milk The cabbages are _____ (health). Sarah would like _____ (have) onions. Have some _____ (sandwich) and milk. They’re delicious. Noodles are _____ (I) favourite food. We have some _____ (tomato) and bread for lunch. Don’t _____ (eat) too much. These _____ (cherry) are nice and sweet. —How many _____ (peach) do you have —Ten. Their favourite food _____ (be) bread now. Mike _____ (not) like beef noodles. _____ (she) favourite drink is juice. Let's _____(cook) dinner together. _____(onion) are my favourite vegetable. I _____ (be) hungry. I’d like some _____ (fish). _____ (Amy) favourite food is fish. They’re _____ (health) for me. He _____ (do not) want to eat bread for breakfast. Jack is hungry. He’d like _____ (eat) some rice. What would your sister like _____ (eat) 排序题。 ( ) Mum, I would like to eat some rice and chicken. ( ) I would like some noodles. ( ) It’s twelve. John, what would you like ( ) OK. What about your dad ( ) Mum, Dad would like some noodles. ( ) I don’t know. Dad, what would you like ( ) OK. And I would like some noodles, too. 按要求填写单词,使句子完整。 我不喜欢牛肉但是鸡肉还可以。 I _____ like _____, but chicken _____ OK. 这些西红柿如此新鲜,它们非常的甜。 The tomatoes are so _____. They are very _____. 我们一起吃新鲜而又健康的蔬菜吧! Let’s eat _____ and _____ vegetables! 你想喝什么? What would you like _____ _____ 你最喜欢的食物是什么? _____ your _____ food 我不喜欢洋葱,太辣啦。 I _____ like onions. They are too _____. 这些新鲜的蔬菜很可口。 The _____ vegetables are _____. 我爸爸最喜爱的食物是牛肉面。 My father’s _____ food is _____ noodles. 我们星期二晚餐吃鱼。 We _____ _____ for lunch _____ _____. 西红柿对我们的身体有益。 _____ are good for our _____. 句型转换。 1 . I’d like some chicken. (改为一般疑问句) _____ Chicken is my favourite food. (同义句转换) _____ My favourite food is ice cream. (就划线部分提问) _____ I’d like some tea to drink. (就画线部分提问) _____ What would you like to eat for lunch (根据实际情况回答) _____ My sister has bread and milk for breakfast. (对划线部分提问) _____ My father likes beef best. (同义句转换) _____ He’d like some sandwiches. (改为否定句) _____ What’s Amy’s favourite food (同义句转换) _____ I have a sandwich for lunch today. (改为复数句) _____ 五.将下列单词按画线部分的读音分类。 cow snow yellow down how flower slow snowy brown show now: _____ know: _____ 六.补全对话。 1. A: _____ B: I’d like some fish and vegetables for lunch. 2. A: _____ B: I like oranges best. 3. A: What would you like for dinner B: _____ 4. A: What’s your favourite food B: _____ 5. A: _____ B: I play ping-pong on Sundays.

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