
外研版七年级下册Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players. 教案

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:43次 大小:12457Byte 来源:二一课件通
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初中英语外研版七下Module 3 Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players. 教案 I. Teaching Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: 1. Understand the concept of cheering and supporting others. 2. Use the future continuous tense to talk about future events. 3. Use phrases related to sports events and match-watching. 4. Describe the actions of supporters at a sporting event. 5. Participate in role-plays and group discussions about match-watching experiences. 6. Write a short paragraph about their plans to cheer on friends or classmates in an upcoming event. 7. Foster a spirit of teamwork and school pride among students. II. Key Vocabulary: - Verbs associated with cheering and support (cheer, clap, shout, wave, hold up signs) - Nouns related to sporting events (match, game, team, player, tournament) - Adjectives describing enthusiasm and energy (enthusiastic, loud, supportive, energetic) - Phrases for showing support (wear team colors, make banners, organize cheers) - Time expressions for future events (next week, on Saturday, during halftime) III. Target Language Structures: - Future continuous tense (will be + verb+ing) - Using time expressions with the future continuous (What time will the match be starting ) - Making predictions with might (He might score a goal.) - Talking about intentions (We're going to make banners to support our team.) - Yes/No questions with the future continuous (Will you be watching the game ) - Tag questions for confirmation (They're going to win, aren't they ) IV. Teaching Aids: - Multimedia projector for displaying slides and video clips of sports events - Whiteboard and markers for illustrating key points - Sports equipment or memorabilia as realia for classroom display - Handouts with sample sentences, discussion questions, and writing prompts - Visual aids such as charts or graphs to illustrate future continuous tense - Audio recordings of cheering crowds or commentators discussing a sports event V. Teaching Procedures: Step 1: Warm-up (5 minutes) - Begin with an energizer activity like a quick cheering chant to get students excited about the topic. - Introduce key vocabulary through a fast-paced word association game focused on sports terminology. Step 2: Pre-reading (5 minutes) - Show students images or short video clips of sports events, discussing what cheering looks and sounds like. - Review the target language structures, focusing on the future continuous tense. Step 3: While-reading (15 minutes) - Provide a reading text that talks about different ways people prepare for and watch a sports event, including descriptions of cheering. Ask students to read along, identifying examples of support. - Lead a guided class discussion to ensure comprehension and encourage students to share their own experiences of attending or watching sports events. Step 4: Post-reading (15 minutes) - In pairs or small groups, students discuss how they plan to cheer on their friends or classmates at an upcoming event ... ...

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