
Unit 5 Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. Section C 学案 2023-2024学年仁爱版七年级下册(含答案)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:89次 大小:21508Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 5 Topic 1 Section C 【学习目标】 1.能够运用频度副词谈论日常生活; 2.能根据发音规则拼读和拼写单词,了解句子的升、降调并能够准确地朗读; 3.谈论日常生活,认识并选择健康的生活方式。 【预习导学】 一、生词速查 1. _____  v. (注意地)听 2. _____  n. 音乐 3. _____  n. 图书馆 4. _____  n. 星期,周 5. _____  adv. 一次;曾经;conj.一旦 6. _____  adv. 两次;两倍 ◎学法指导:记忆单词的词性及拓展的相关单词以便增加词汇量。 二、短语速记 1.踢足球_____ 2.打篮球_____ 3.听音乐_____ 4.去游泳_____ 5.多久一次_____ ◎学法指导:短语是英语学习的基础,多积累短语有利于提高英语写作水平。 三、句子速译 1.Classes begin at eight. _____ 2.She has four classes in the morning. _____ 3.After dinner, she often does her homework and then watches TV for a short time. _____ 4.She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. _____ 5.How often do you come to the library _____ 6.Three times a week./Very often./Every day. _____ 【答案】预习导学 一、 1.listen 2.music 3.library 4.week 5.once 6.twice 二、 1.play soccer 2.play basketball 3.listen to music 4.go swimming 5.how often 三、 1.课在八点开始。 2.她上午上四节课。 3.晚饭后,她经常先做作业,然后看一会儿电视。 4.她大约9点45分上床睡觉。 5.你多久来一次图书馆 6.每周三次。/经常。/每天。 【合作探究】 任务驱动1 阅读训练 小组活动,任意选择三张卡片,组成一句有意义的话,并把这些话组成一篇小短文。 We at 6:30 a.m. at 7:30 a.m. goes to school Jane at 7:00 p.m. has lunch Michael  at 5:45 p.m. gets up goes home has dinner He(可重复使用)  She(可重复使用)  at 12:15 a.m. _____ ◎学法指导:在时间方面要分清楚上午和下午,注意时间在句中的位置。小组形成短文时要注意人称的一致。 任务驱动2 复习训练 1.尽可能多地说出动词短语。 _____ 2.根据以上动词编对话。 Example: A:What does Han Qing usually do after school B:He usually reads books, but he doesn't play basketball. (A:Does Han Qing often read books in the library B:Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.) A:How often does he come to the library B:Three times a week. 根据对话内容,完成以下表格。 Name Activity Frequency ◎学法指导:注意频度副词的使用,在疑问句中的位置和主语为第三人称单数时不影响动词加“-s/-es”。“How often… ” 意为“多久一次”。注意积累表示频率的短语。 任务驱动3 语音学习 看图拼读音标,拼写出单词。完成4a。 听并跟读4b,看图推测句子的意思,学习句子的升、降调。 【答案】合作探究 任务驱动一 1.   Michael gets up at 6:30 a.m. He goes to school at 7:30 a.m. He has lunch at 12:15 a.m. At 5:45 p.m., he goes home. He has dinner at 7:00 p.m. 任务驱动二   play soccer, play basketball, go swimming, go fishing, go shopping, listen to music, watch TV, do one's homework, go to the park, go to the zoo, meet friends, read books, do some cooking... 【知识超市】 [命题点] how often的用法   ◎例句呈现:1.—How often do they go fishing ———他们多久去钓一次鱼 —Once a week. ———一周一次。 2.—How often does David play basketball ———戴维多久打一次篮球 —He plays basketball every day. 他每天都打篮球。 【拓展】how much 意为“多少,多少钱”;how many意为“多少”;how old意为“多少岁”;how long意为“多长;多久”;how far意为“多 ... ...

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