
Unit 3 Where did you go? Part C Story Time 表格式全英教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:21次 大小:46126Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教版英语六年级下册 Unit 3 Where did you go Part C Story Time 教案 Name Subject English Grade Six Time March 3rd Tittle Unit 3 Where did you go Teaching Contents Part C Story Time Teaching Aims Knowledge Objects:Students are able to listen, say, read and understand the words and phrases: moon, dream, spaceship, an unusual trip, make our dream come true.2. Students are able to talk about their holiday using the simple past tense, eg. How was your winter holiday Where did you go How did you go there What did you do Ability Objects:1. Students are able to improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through different teaching activities.2. Students are able to improve their thinking quality through the reading processes.3. Deepen the understanding to the structure of the passage with the help of the mind map.Moral Objects:1. To make students arouse their interests to the space, encourage them to study hard for their dreams.2. To let students learn about the story of Chang’e, deepen their understanding to Chinese traditional culture. Key Points Students can grasp the usages of the key phrases to talk about the holiday, know about the story, and learn to use the mind map to write an article. Difficult Points 1. How to make students understand the structure of this passage with the help of the mind map.2. How to write a short passage to introduce their dream trip using the simple past tense.3. Oral practice in role play. Teaching Methods Communicative Approach &Audio-linguistic Method Teaching Aids Multimedia, some pictures and word cards. Teaching Procedures Steps Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Purpose Step 1Warm-up&Lead-in Greet the students.Show pictures of the teacher’s winter holiday.Free talk: Talk about your winter holiday. 1. Answer the questions about the teacher’s winter holiday.2. Talk about their winter holiday with their classmates. Review the simple past tense in the real situation.Lead in the topic of this lesson. Step 2Pre-reading 1. Introduce Zip and Zoom to the students, listen to the dialogue between them and tell students that Zoom had an unusual trip.2. Look at the pictures of the story carefully and find where Zoom went.3. Introduce the destination of Zoom’s trip-the moon.4. Tell students the story about Chang’e. Listen to the dialogue between Zip and Zoom. Try to understand the meaning of “unusual” with the help of the teacher.2. Look at the pictures of the story carefully and find where Zoom went.3. Learn the word “moon”, read after the teacher.4. Learn about the story about Chang’e. 1. Introduce Zoom’s unusual trip.2. Make students learn to guess the destination of Zoom’s trip-the moon according to the pictures.3. Know about the story of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Arouse Ss’ interests to Chinese traditional culture. Step 3While-reading 1. Activity1: Let’s readAsk students to read the story and find the answers to the questions. Teach them the reading strategy-underline the key words ... ...

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