
2024年牛津译林版中考英语一轮复习九年级上册Unit 4 Growing up知识点提要及练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:21次 大小:76453Byte 来源:二一课件通
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9AU4知识点提要 一、重要短语、句子、语言点 Comic strip&Welcome to the unit 挂在心上,惦念on one’s mind (...)怎么了?★What’s up/wrong/the matter/the trouble (with...) 真是那样吗?Is that so (1)没关系。①That’s all right. ②Never mind. ③That’s OK. ④It’s nothing. ⑤It doesn’t matter. (2)那是对的。That’s right. (3)好的。All right. 5. allow用法 ★允许做某事allow doing sth. ★允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth. ★★★某人(不)被允许做某事sb. be (not) allowed to do sth. through用法 ①(内部)穿过e.g. the classroom looks brighter as the sunlight comes through the windows. ②自始至终,从头到尾We were screaming and laughing through the ride.8BU2 ③以,凭借I like to learn about the world through the Internet. 7. other/ (the) others/ the other/ another 用法 other other+可n.复→others “其他的” (the) others some... ,(the) others.... the other 2中的另一个 (one)... ,the other.... another ≥3中的另一个 one... another... 注意和以下两种题型的区别: “排除法解题”:前属后有other,前不属后无other。 any+可n.单、any other+可n.单、the other+可n.复 数词+more+n.=another+数词+n. ( )1. My cousin keeps two pets. One is a lovely cat and _____ is a beautiful bird. A.other B.others C.the other D.another ( )2. During the spring festival, some people visit relatives, _____ go travelling. A.other B.others C.the other D.another ( )3. —Have you finished your homework yet —No, not yet. I’ll finish it in _____ ten minutes. A.other B.others C.the other D.another ( )4. To find the lost elephant, the police searched the whole city, from one park to _____. A.the other B.others C.another D.the other ( )5.Shanghai has more people than _____ in Jiangsu and _____ in China. A.any city; any city B.any city; any other city C.any other city; the other cities D.any other city; any city ( )6.—The film The Battle at Lake Changjin is _____ film I’ve seen this year. —Can’t agree more. I think Wu Jing acts(表演) _____ in this film. A.a better; better than any actor B.the best; better than the other actors C.the best; better than any other actors D.a better; worse than other actors 8. ★whenever=no matter when 无论何时; _____ whichever=no matter which 无论哪一个 wherever=no matter where 无论在哪里 whatever=no matter what 无论如何 whoever=no matter who 无论谁 however=no matter how 无论如何; _____ 9. 许多,大量 ★a great deal of/a bit of+不可n. ★v.+a great deal v.处理deal-dealt-dealt a (great) number of+可n复. a lot of/lots of/plenty of+不可n./可n复. v.+a lot ...的数量 the number of+可n复. ( )1.If you click the mouse, you will get _____ news about sports. A.a great deal B.a great deal with C.a great deal in D.a great deal of ( )2.Nowadays we can learn a great deal of _____ about the world through the Internet. A.information B.books C.people D.countries ( )3.—Thank you for offering a great deal of _____ to me in my research. —It was my great pleasure. A.information B.ideas C.thoughts D.suggestions ( )4.I never expected a man _____ coul ... ...

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