
人教版(PEP)三年级英语寒假开学考试卷B(含答案 无听力音频及听力原文)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:285216Byte 来源:二一课件通
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PEP三年级英语寒假开学考试卷B 学校:_____姓名:_____班级:_____考号:_____ 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A.mouth B.head C. zoo ( ) 2. A.panda B.bear C. pig ( ) 3. A.water B.juice C. milk ( ) 4. A.white B.brown C. black ( ) 5. A.ten B.five C. nine 二、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分) ( ) 1. A.I have a pencil. B.I have a pen. ( ) 2. A.Have some bread. B.Here you are. ( ) 3. A.How are you B.How old are you ( ) 4. A.What’s this B.What’s that ( ) 5. A.Show me red. B.Show me eight. 三、按所听内容给下列图片重新排序,在图片下方括号内标出数字。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,给你所听到的句子选择相应的答语。(10分) ( ) 1. A.I’m Jin Bao. B.I’m seven years old. C. I’m fine. ( ) 2. A.Here you are. B.Have some rice. C. Thanks. ( ) 3. A.I like it. B.It’s a cat. C. I’m Zoom. ( ) 4. A.Look at me! B.Very well, thanks. C. You’re welcome. ( ) 5. A.Goodbye! B.My name is Lily. C. Oh, no! 笔试部分 五、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的单词。(10分) (  ).A.bird B.body C.bear (  ).A.fish B.five C.four (  ).A.ruler B.cake C.rice (  ).A.nose B.nine C.foot (  ).A.eight B.three C.tiger 六、情景选择。(10分) 1.上课时,老师想让你把书打开,她会说:(  ) A.Show me your book. B.Open your book. 2.当你想知道John的年龄时,你会说:( ) A.How old are you B.What’s your name C.How are you 3.朋友想知道远处的动物是什么,他会说:( ) A.What’s this B.What’s that C.I see a cat. 4.你想请大家吃鱼,你会说:( ) A.Have some fish. B.Can I have some fish C.I like fish. 5.当你想问别人有几只小鸟时,你应该说:( ) A.How many birds B.How are you C.How old are you 七、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,注意书写的正确形式。(10分) 1. D 2. x 3. g 4. H 5. N 6. t 判断对话与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分) 1.—What’s this —It’s a funny bear. ( ) 2.—Can I have some fish, please —Sure. ( ) 3.—How many pencils do you have —Eight. ( ) 4.Drink some water. ( ) 5.I’m five years old. ( ) 九、匹配题(10分) A.My name’s John. B.It’s a bear. C. Nice to meet you, too. D.Great! E. I’m ten years old. 1.What’s that ( ) 2.What’s your name ( ) 3.Nice to meet you. ( ) 4.How old are you ( ) 5.Let’s make a puppet! ( ) 十、阅读理解(10分) Hello! My name is Jack. I’m seven years old. I have a bag, it’s yellow. I have a pencil box, it’s blue. I love animals. Look! I have a brown dog. I’m hungry now (现在). I’d like some bread, eggs and juice. 1.My name is _____. ( ) A.Mike B.Jack C.John 2.I’m _____ years old. ( ) A. B. C. 3.I have a pencil box, it’s _____. ( ) A.green B.blue C.yellow 4.I have a brown _____. ( ) A. B. C. 5.I’d like some bread, _____ and juice. ( ) A.milk B.eggs C.water 试卷第1页,共3页 试卷第1页,共3页 参考答案: 一、 B A C C C 二、 A A B B A 三、 2 5 3 1 4 四、 B A B B C 五、BAABC 六、BABAA 七、1.C; E 2.w; y 3.f; h 4.G; I 5.M; O 6.s; u 八、TTTFF 九、BACED 十、BABCB 答案第1页,共2页 答案第1页,共2页 ... ...

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